Exam Preparation PrologLISP
Final Exam n Wednesday, April 10, 9am, BAC 132 check for changes the night beforecheck for changes the night before n Covers: all material from the course (LISP + Prolog)all material from the course (LISP + Prolog) more on material not on the midtermsmore on material not on the midterms n Format: just like the midtermsjust like the midterms
Prolog Main Material n I/O read, write, write_lnread, write, write_ln see, seen, tell, toldsee, seen, tell, told get, get0, putget, get0, put loops for reading from filesloops for reading from files n String manipulation n Knowledge base revisions assert, retract, retract_allassert, retract, retract_all
Prolog Review Material n Facts, Rules & Proof n Terms & Lists appendappend n Control & Negation disjunction, cut, not, \+disjunction, cut, not, \+
LISP Main Material n I/O & Strings read, read-char, read-line, print, formatread, read-char, read-line, print, format char-equal, string-equal, searchchar-equal, string-equal, search with-open-filewith-open-file n Iteration do, dotimes, dolist, let, let*do, dotimes, dolist, let, let* n Expert Systems write a function for the systemwrite a function for the system
LISP Review Material n Atoms, Lists, Math n Functions & Function Design n Special List Functions mapcar & lambda expressionsmapcar & lambda expressions n Association Lists & Key Parameters assoc & back-quoted formsassoc & back-quoted forms