Welcome to Grammar Island!
Over the next few weeks you will be participating in a project called Grammar Island. During this time you will be responsible for many things: 1.Showing me that you can work in cooperative groups 2.Writing well organized paragraphs 3.Writing in a variety of forms Narrative Descriptive Persuasive
Task Imagine the class was traveling by ship to Duranimalville, when the ship was attacked by an iceberg. The great iceberg punctured a hole in the bottom of the ship. Luckily everyone escaped in 6 lifeboats. Each lifeboat made it to shore and everyone was stranded on a deserted island.
As the ship sank the class was divided into six lifeboats. The lifeboats were separated on their way to shore and each group settled on a different part of the island.
Once on the island each group formed a tribe with a... 1.Leader 2.Recorder 3.Liaison/Gatekeeper 4. Time Keeper
On Grammar Island the leader will be responsible for Organizing group members 2.Delegate tasks - be sure everyone has something to work on. Make sure that everyone is doing an equal amount of work. 3. Collecting homework
On Grammar Island the recorder will be responsible for Keeping track of notes and ideas shared by the group. 2. Keeping track of group points 3. Group folder
On Grammar Island the liaison will be responsible for Turning in homework for group. 2. Encouraging everyone participate and get homework turned in. 3. Ask questions of the teacher or other groups.
On Grammar Island the Time Keeper will be responsible for.. 1.Keeping track of due dates and be sure the group is getting assignments complete on time. 2. Keeping track of time spent working in class. 3.Working with the leader to decide if the group need to complete assignments at home or at lunch.
How Does Each Group Earn Points? It is the responsibility of the tribe members to work together as a team to ultimately escape the island (and earn a hansom reward) by completing a variety of tasks which will earn them survival points.
Your group can earn points by: 1. All group members participating in an activity 2. All group members completing and turning in homework. 3.All group members quickly having materials on their desk and quietly listening. 4.Completed projects and assignments (This is where most of your points will be earned, so be sure that each assignment is well done!)
Your group can also earn points by: Anything fantastic that Ms. Dorr thinks deserves extra points! Mr. Sposari
This project is designed for all students to demonstrate that they can work cooperatively in groups, write well organized paragraphs/essays, and have fun! Remember - Even though this is a competition, it is important that you are respectful to all of stranded classmates, no matter which tribe they belong to.