U.S.-CAFTA-DR Trade Trends Lloyd Day, Administrator USDA Agricultural Marketing Service First Annual CAFTA-DR Agrifood Market Integration Consortium Workshop San José, Costa Rica November 5-7, 2007
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) Grades fresh and processed fruits and vegetables Collects and widely disseminates price and market information Market Information Organization of the Americas Enforces the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (Fair Trade) Partners with industry boards and committees Participates in Codex Alimentarius Commission
U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Guide to Minimize Microbial Food Safety Hazards for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Good Agricultural Practices and Good Handling Practices (GAP-GHP) Audit Verification Program AMS Audit Services Total GAP-GHP Audits YearAudits Performed to date750
La Organización de Información de Mercados de las Américas (OIMA) Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) Market Information Organization of the Americas (MIOA) Mission: To support the strengthening, the harmonization and the sustained development of agricultural market information systems throughout the Americas
Proposal Forum with multi-nation representatives to: Share food safety and sanitation perspectives Develop and enforce GAPs, GMPs and GHPs recognizable throughout CAFTA-DR countries
Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement California requires signatory handlers to buy from growers verified to comply with Good Agricultural Practices Maintains quality of products and reduces risk of pathogenic contamination Federal proposal on nationwide program
U.S. Consumption Trends Health Benefits Decreases risk of chronic diseases Beneficial to weight management Organic Production Growth rate of nearly 20% per year for past 7 years U.S. consumers spent more than $51 billion on natural and organic products Vegetarianism 5.7 million in United States Many restaurants “going green” Total U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Consumption, YearMetric Tons ,613, ,101, ,928, ,275, ,424, ,178, ,632, ,619, ,766, ,578, ,907,209 Source: USDA/Economic Research Service
U.S. Nutrition Initiatives MyPyramid.gov Teaches consumers how to improve health through proper diet and exercise Explains how to make smart choices from every food group, balance food and physical activity, get the most nutrition out of calories
U.S. Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Trade from Western Hemisphere and Remainder of World
Contact Information U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Marketing Service Lloyd C. Day (202) www.ams.usda.gov