1 UNIT TEST 1 PRACTICE PINYIN 1.Initials / Finals (listening) 2.Sound distinguishing/comparing 3.Pinyin tones 4.Spelling rules Language in use 1.Phrase Meaning (Chinese-English) 2.Word Orders 3.Negative sentences / Questions 4.Complete by writing Chinese/Pinyin
2 1.Initials / Finals (listening) 2.Sound distinguishing/comparing Finals: i / ü: nǐ- nǚ, xǐ- xǚ >xǔ jǐ - jǚ >jǔ qǐ - qǚ >qǔ i /~i: ji qi xi [ i ] zi ci si ri [~i] zhi chi shi [~i]
3 u / ü : ju – zu qu – cu xu – su Initials : n / l : nǚ – lǚ lián – nián j / q : ju – qu jia – qia z / zh : zì – zhì zǎo –zhǎo c / ch : cì – chì cǎo – chǎo s / sh : sì – shì sào – shào an-ang in-ing en –eng uei > ui
4 Tones tone 1 – tone 4 : y ī – y ì tone 2 – tone 3 : w ú – wǔ Spelling rules: 1.I > y~ ia > ya ie>ye iao>yao ian>yan 2.u > w~ ou> wo uai>wai uen >wen 3.Ü > yu Ü an > yuan Ü e > yue Ü n > yun
5 Language in use 1.Phrase Meaning (Pinyin-English) 1. Nǐ hǎo a. Incorrect. 2. Shàng kè b. Class dismissed. 3. Bú duì c. Correct. 4. Duì (le) d. Hello. 5. Xià kè f. Class is starting. 2.Phrase Meaning (Chinese-English) 1. 大家好 a. Is he your teacher? 2 。他是你的老师吗? b.Hello, everybody 3 。他名叫什么? c. What’s your teacher’s surname? 4 。你的老师姓什么? d. What’s his name?
6 3. Re-order: 1. 的 我 姓 老 林 师 > 我的老师姓林 2 。中 她 文 字 名 吗 叫 小美 ? 》》她的中文名叫小美吗? 3. True / False quiz by Listening Listen to the dialogue, choose the best answer A. Both are teachers B. One is a teacher, the other student C. Both are students 4. Write Chinese character from Pinyin a. Wǒ míng jiào Wén Zhōng b. Tá shì lǎoshi ma?
7 4. Complete the sentences: a. 请 __, 您 ___ ___ ? Qǐng wèn nìn guì xìng 5. Translate into Chinese a. What’s your name? b. What is your Chinese name? c. Who is he? Is he your classmate? d. I study Chinese, I am a student of Chinese. e. My name is Wén Zhōng. I am a student. How about you? f.His teacher is Chinese. He is (a) Chinese teacher. g.Are you a student? h.Do you study Chinese?