International Students and Education Abroad Gregg Thomson, UC Berkeley CSHE October 10, 2014
You are ADDING items to SERU? When is OK to add more items to SERU? Example here: When the items apply only to a significant population who assumedly will be motivated to answer very relevant questions and where the answers, when combined with other SERU items, significantly advances our understanding Challenge for programming SERU and limits on that score
Why International students? Increasing number of international undergraduates; in undergraduate international outnumbered graduate; in the numbers were 339,993 versus 311,204 Increased campus interest; at UCB, undergraduate international students have gone from 887 (2007) to 3456 (2013) Opportunity for SERU: Add specific international student items to the extensive SERU content
Specific Experiences Classroom and socializing activities – How difficult? Interest in and services for international students – How satisfied? Housing, finances, health, etc. – How big a concern? Social interaction – With Americans or other international students?
Plans and Reasons Eventual plans? Reasons for pursuing undergraduate studies in the United States?
Why Education Abroad? Nationally about 10% of undergraduates participate Great variation – US News website Increasing interest -- IIE’s Generation Study Abroad Initiative Redefining “Study Abroad” Opportunity to add items to SERU
Capturing the Key Elements Type and duration of program University sponsorship? Academic credit? Intensive foreign language? Which country?
Motivation and Impact Reasons for education abroad Perceived impact on undergraduate experience Open-ended question SERU research on this topic