HISTORY PARAGRAPH This paragraph needs to explain the HISTORY of your topic. Your paragraph should answer these questions: When did your topic become an issue? How did your topic start (what caused it)? Are there any old laws or cases that influenced your topic? What have people done in the past about the issue?
HISTORY PARAGRAPH 1. Write your topic sentence about your first supporting argument (using a transition word first!) 2. State your first piece of evidence to support it 3. EXPLAIN your first piece of evidence 4. State your second piece of evidence to support it 5. EXPLAIN your second piece of evidence 6. State your third piece of evidence to support it 7. EXPLAIN your third piece of evidence 8. Give an EXPLANATION of why your evidence overall supports your argument in this paragraph 9. Write a closing sentence to the paragraph. Should transition nicely into your next argument.
TOPIC SENTENCE ___________ has been an issue in the US since… EXAMPLE: Global warming has been an issue in the world since scientists discovered that carbon dioxide rates are rising in the 1970s. ____________ has affected our society since…when… Abortion has affected our society since the early 1800s when doctors first started
PARAGRAPH CHECKLIST Did you indent the paragraph? Do you have a topic sentence? Do you have at least 2 quotes/paraphrases in the paragraph? Do I explain or introduce my quotes? Do I have citations? Do I have a transition sentence at the end?