Big Ideas Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter
Row 1, Col 1 Aims to understand the distribution of the population’s belief about politics and policy issues. What is public opinion?
1,2 The three ways people become politically socialized. What is the family, mass media, and school?
1,3 60% of money is spent on these during a campaign. What is a TV ad?
1,4 Once organized groups are heard, different groups can compete, everyone plays fair, and they can join together to affect public policy. What is the group theory of politics?
2,1 1.Rise of modern media in a technological society 1.Making and presenting news 2.Biases in the news 3.Impact of the media on policymakers and the public. What is media politics?
2,2 Detect public preferences So they don’t have to wait until the next election What is the role of polls in American democracy?
2,3 These stories are reprinted in small towns across the country. What is the Associated Press (AP)?
2,4 When it comes to big decisions this group will prevail. What are corporate elites or elite theorists?
3,1 What is the “minimal effects hypothesis”?
3,2 1.Voting 2.Trying to persuade others 3.Ringing doorbells 4.Running for office What are types of conventional participation?
3,3 Two examples of the visual power the media has in affecting politics. What is the 1960 Presidential debate? What is Walter Cronkite’s coverage of the Vietnam War?
3,4 A group’s size, intensity, and financial resources. What are factors that make interest groups successful?
4,1 The policy agenda and policy entrepreneurs use it to get the message out to the general public. What is the function of the media?
4,2 Liberals & conservative views on the scope of the government. What is wide scope for liberals and narrower scope for conservative view?
4,3 It prevents monopolies, ensures public interest needs are met, and issues fair treatment rules. What is the Federal Communications Commission?
4,4 Help support political allies and to persuade legislators to support a certain policy. What is the role of lobbyists?
5,1 These groups are unlike political parties and do not try to appeal everyone in the general public. What are interest groups?
5,2 The percentage of the population that can identify the three branches of government What is 40%?
5,3 The end of a mining project, the suspension of executions in the state of Illinois, and the exposure of Jack Abramoff that forced lobbying reform. What are good examples of investigative reporting?
5,4 Madison’s opinion of factions would support this theory of interest group politics. What is the pluralist theory of group politics?