Old Business 1.Fundraising a. Concessions is no longer available b. Sara thinks we should sell chocolate c. What are some other things we could do? 2.Practices - Re-explained the week A/B rotation concept. 3.Script Submission - You should have your script identified and the information put into the “Piece/Topic” spreadsheet in the “Student Pieces” folder of the google drive by the end of next week.
New Business 1.Practices a. Check for understanding on the week A/B 2.Expectations
Practices Group A and Group B You are listed under an A or a B on the schedule If it is week A group A works with a coach and group B works with a peer-coach If it is week B, group B works with a coach and Group A works with a peer -coach Both groups have practice every week. Ikran will be keeping track of what week it is and sending out an every Sunday to remind you what the weeks schedule will be.
Practices continued... If you cannot attend a practice, please me twice: once in advance once the day of to remind me. Choose wisely: we only require a half an hour a week, and it’s always the same half hour. You know very far in advance what your schedule is going to be for speech. There are other hours during the week that you can schedule things. Don’t schedule other things during your speech practice.
After Break: Performance Practices The expectation: ●Pieces are performance ready at the end of break. ●Everyone performs their piece for a coach or a peer coach once a week ●Everyone practices their speech out loud once a day. ◦ Practice is IMPERATIVE - speech meets can be stressful, so you need to have the muscle memory of saying your speech so when you’re nervous you can go on autopilot if you need to. The Goal: ●No scripts by Mock Tournament
Interp. ●Scripts are cut and performance ready ●Introductions are written ●Script typed up with introduction, and your name/title/author/isbn listed in the top right hand corner shared with and ed to and your category coaches/mentors ●Working toward memorization.
PA ●Scripts are written and performance ready ●Final drafts with works cited are shared on drive with and ed to as well as your category coaches and mentors. ●Working toward memorization. ●Info - Make ppts for visuals over break (Ikran will make an instructions doc. to put in the google folder).
Ex Speaking: ●Bins? If you’re using them, they need to be ready to go. ●Have a speech ready to go on a different topic each week. Storytelling: ●Outlines are done. ●New story performance ready/ each practice. Ex Reading: ●Everyone has read the whole book ●Two-three cuttings from the list performance ready/ each practice. Draws
There will be no team meeting next Friday Enjoy your break!
Captain’s Report Koushik