Free Speech: News and Events on the Freedom of Speech
Is freedom of speech an absolute right, or are there legitimate reasons for restricting it? What role does the media play in promoting free speech and in informing the public? What effect to large corporations have when it comes the people's right to know and to disseminate information? These are some of the issues discussed in these recent news stories :
Calls at UN to Curb Free Speech on Religion By Austin Cline, Guide July 21, 2006
There are numerous religious believers who are convinced that their religion, and perhaps a few other religions, should be so privileged in society that some forms of criticism of those religions should be made illegal. Similar criticism of other religions and other ideologies would continue to be permitted; only certain religions would be exempt from the normal standards of discourse. 資料來源: ( 網 )
Ultimately, such people really don’t believe in freedom of expression because such freedom can be used too readily to challenge traditions and traditional structures of power. 資料來源: ( 網 )
Brown stated “The right to question religion and to freely express one’s views on religious matters is a human right. Human beings have human rights, religions do not. 資料來源: ( 網 )
This Council has a solemn duty to protect people -- not ideas, religions, customs, beliefs or traditional practices, especially when they are used as justification for the abuse of human rights. It is the believer, not the belief, that must be protected.” 資料來源: ( 網 )
This is an important distinction which many religious believers do nor or will not recognize. While the believer has rights to belief and expression which must be protected, religion itself has no “rights” which must be respected or protected. 資料來源: ( 網 )
This means that government has neither the obligation nor the authority to “protect” religion from criticism, attacks, or even ridicule. Governments do not exist in order to make people feel better about their ideological positions or to protect ideologies from outside forces. 資料來源: ( 網 )
Free Speech Opponent Elected to Florida ACLU Board By Austin Cline, Guide March 23, 2006
what are the ways in which an anti-blasphemy law can be passed that can protect the right to exercise freedom of religion.”?? 資料來源: ( 網 )
Anti-blasphemy laws do not protect anyone’s right to exercise freedom of religion. No one who supports criminal or civil penalties for blasphemy is a supporter of free speech. 資料來源: ( 網 )
This is, according to all evidence I have seen, CAIR’s official position — which means that CAIR officially opposes the freedom of speech and expression which is one of the foundations of a free, liberal society. 資料來源: ( 網 )
Anti-blasphemy laws are a tool in the establishment of religious supremacy or, even worse, theocracy. 資料來源: ( 網 )