Drinking Without 1 Peter 4:1-5 Becoming Drunk. Introduction A scourge to mankind –“Alcohol has many defenders, but no defense.” (Abraham Lincoln) –Root.


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Presentation transcript:

Drinking Without 1 Peter 4:1-5 Becoming Drunk

Introduction A scourge to mankind –“Alcohol has many defenders, but no defense.” (Abraham Lincoln) –Root of many social problems Defending its use are Christians –Especially sad –Why would a Christian defend it?

Bible Words Old Testament –Yayin: “wine” (132), “wineskins” (2), “wine cellars” (1), “banqueting” (1) –Generic term for all sorts of wines –Tirosh: “new wine” (36), “vintage” (2) –Comprehensive term: freshly expressed juice of the grape (must), and wine from halting fermentation

Tirosh Something drunk (Isaiah 62:9) In the cluster (Isaiah 65:8) Trodden (Micah 6:15)

Bible Words New Testament –Oinos: most widely employed term –Used for fermented and unfermented –Equivalent of O.T. yayin

Bible Words New Testament –Gleukos: one term rendered “new wine,” (Acts 2:13) –Equivalent of tirosh –Preserved as “must” for after harvest

Bible Words New Testament –Sikera: used one time (Luke 1:15) –Translated “strong drink” –Gennema tas ampelou: rendered “fruit of the vine” –Used in connection with the Lord’s Supper

Bible Words Summary –Terms translated “wine” cannot be understood without considering the context –Burden of proof rests on those who seek to justify the practice

Burden of Proof “Let me repeat, to determine God sanctions the human consumption of alcoholic beverages requires evidence no less clear than in other areas where we seek His approval. It won’t do to find a text where God sanctions a thing called “wine,” then note another text …”

Burden of Proof “in which “wine” is intoxicating and, finally, jump to the conclusion that God sanctions intoxicating wine! Remember what’s at stake– tell our teenagers that the Bible approves the human consumption of alcoholic beverages (in moderation, of course) and you’ve …”

Burden of Proof “not only told them the Bible sanctions the social use of that which takes away their ability to discriminate, but you’ve them the Bible sanctions their moderate support of the liquor industry.” (Jim McGuiggan, The Bible, The Saint, and The Liquor Industry, p. 89)

Burden of Proof “Let’s quit straddling the fence. If the holy and sinless Jesus made intoxicating wine for people to drink there can be nothing unholy about the moderate drinking of intoxicating beverages. If there is nothing unholy in drinking it, there can be nothing unholy in selling it.” (McGuiggan, p. 116)

Importance of Context Prevents misunderstanding –Story of the man who closed his eyes and pointed at a page in the Bible –Remained in darkness and failed to obey God –Same result for any issue

Importance of Context Alcoholic wine or not? –Difficult passage should be understood in light of clear passages –Plain passages (Proverbs 20:1; 23:31; 1 Peter 4:3) –“No one turns against reasoning until reasoning turns against them” (David Hume, philosopher)

Answering The Advocates “Give strong drink to him who is perishing…wine to those of a heavy heart.” (Proverbs 31:6, 7) –Taken literally, applies to a few –Sinful to give it for pleasure (Habakkuk 2:15) –Comparable to morphine for pain –“Leave wine for others”

Answering The Advocates Jesus made wine (John 2:1-11) –I–Importance of context –“–“Well drunk” (v. 10) –W–Would Jesus help people get drunk? –S–Such would be a sin (Habakkuk 2:15; Proverbs 23:31) –S–Sinless (Hebrews 4:15)

Deacons not “given to much wine” (1 Timothy 3:8) –Advocates say a little is approved

A Little is Approved? Examples –Stop that incessant lying –A little lying is O.K.? –Don’t get hooked on heroin –Just recreational use? –“Be not overmuch wicked” (Ecclesiastes 7:17) –A little wickedness O.K.?

Answering The Advocates Deacons not “given to much wine” (1 Timothy 3:8) –Advocates say a little is approved –Drinking bouts in those days emphasized quantity not quality

Inconsistency Some can drink and some can’t –Elders and older men can’t (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 2:2) –Deacons and older women can (1 Timothy 3:8; Titus 2:3) –Who can believe it?

Answering The Advocates Timothy to “use a little wine for his stomach’s sake.” (1 Timothy 5:23) –Wasn’t accustomed to using it –Assumption that is was alcoholic –Stomachs often complains when alcohol is put into it! –At best, it establishes a medicinal use

Conclusion Advocates are a stumbling block Many go beyond what they defend Repentance is the solution