AC losses in the Feather baseline cable Bas van Nugteren, Peng Gao, Jeroen van Nugteren, Sander Wessel, Marc Dhallé Video Conference 12 May 2015
Can we measure the inter-tape contact resistance R c ? (i.e. can we resolve the coupling loss Q C out of the hysteresis loss background Q H ) Important parameter for AC loss prediction, stability & quench propagation, field quality, … Can we validate the EM cable model? valuable design tool Goals Dynamic E.M. cable model J. van Nugteren
Strategy Detailed loss measurements of Q as function of amplitude, frequency and field angle First-principle rationale: hysteresis loss expected to scale with angle as Q H cos 3 coupling loss as Q C cos 2 expected ratio limiting values i.e. the hysteresis loss should decrease faster (and lower?) than the coupling loss when the field angle approaches the in-plane orientation Rotate sample in dipole field Measure magnetic moment vector (m // and m )
Rough analytical estimates Loss map: total loss as function of frequency & amplitude (A.M. Campbell, Cryogenics 1982) H //, R c = m 2 H //, R c = m 2 Yellow = instrumental limit Black = resolution limit Blue = hysteresis-domintated; Red = coupling- dom. ; Green = saturation Measure in high-frequency, low-amplitude limit Challenging but not a-priori impossible (at least lower limit info)
Hardware Combined classical magnetometer + calorimetric Crossed set of pick-up (and compensation) coils
Hardware Dedicated sample holder First cool-down yesterday Experim. campaign next 2 weeks Sample (under cover, not visible) Dummy m // pick-up & compensation coils m pick-up & compensation coils (under cover, not visible) Calorimeter l He inlet