Chapter 27 Russia and Japan: Industrialization Outside the West
Introduction Japan and Russia did not fit pattern of western domination Both started industrialization Both strengthened political/social systems Both had imitated others Both used state to make changes
Russia (before reform) Catherine the Great protected it from French Rev. Conservatives wanted to isolate Issue of serfdom Alexander I – Holy Alliance Intellectuals liked the West Decembrist uprising
Repression Avoid revolutions of mid 1800s Territorial expansion: Poland, Ottoman empire, Balkans Increase exports by increasing labor obligations of serfs Crimean War leads to reform
Reform Based on Western standards/examples Emancipation of the serfs –Serfs got land but had to pay –No political rights –Creates urban labor force –More political/social unrest Local political councils (zemstvoes) Military/education improvements Status of women improves Industrialization: railroads, factories
Early Industrial Revolution Debtor nation; much foreign invest. Traditional peasant society No middle class +:size, population, natural resources
Road to revolution Alexander II tries reforms, assassin. Intelligentsia Anarchists Lenin/Bolsheviks Social/political unrest Revolution inevitable??
Revolution of 1905 Response to loss in Russo-Japanese Workers’ strikes Peasant rebellions Creates Duma Reform doesn’t last; Nicholas II takes power back Eastern Europe follows some patterns; Time of cultural productivity
Japan Final years of Tokugawa Shogunate –Financial problems –Culture ↑ –Education: commoner schools, Dutch studies Opening of Japan (Comm. Perry) daimyos vs. samurai vs. shogunate Political crisis leads to civil war
Meiji Abolishes feudalism Centralized political power Domestic development: –Abolish samurai –Government army –Reorganize bureaucracy (Diet)-modeled on Germany Incorporate business with politics
Industrial revolution Government supervision of industry Private enterprise (zaibatsus) Few resource so must import! Later, leads to imperialism to get resources
Social and cultural effects Population growth Universal education system Distinct values Copied western fashions/styles/ideas Buddhism ↓ Shinto ↑ Change in family life, some traditions continued (women inferior) Foreign policy shift (imperialism)
Problems of modernization Poor living in crowded cities Political problems Intellectual confusion (identity crisis) which leads to NATIONALISM