Business Plan What next?
Business Plan At 2006 annual meeting, business plan working groups were formed to write each section of the document.
BP Working Groups
Business Plan At 2006 annual meeting, business plan working groups were formed to write each section of the document. –This is the first draft and we know changes will be made based on internal needs and external guidance (NOAA, OceansUS, other RA’s & stakeholders)
Business Plan Membership Feedback/Discussion of Business Plan Membership Vote to Approve Business Plan Next Steps for the Business Plan
Business Plan Membership Feedback/Discussion of Business Plan –Questions for each Working Group Chair –Encourage membership to engage in the business planning process
Business Plan Membership Vote to Approve Business Plan –Vote in concept to move forward with the document.
Business Plan Next Steps for the Business Plan –Business Plan will be guided by the new Board of Directors –New BoD will be responsible for: Soliciting new SECOORA members to join each Working Group so that all interests are represented. Re-assigning Working Group Chairs. Presenting the Business Plan to NOAA as required by the RA Planning Grant.
Business Plan Next Steps for the Business Plan –Incorporate feedback from region, based on membership feedback, stakeholder needs and NOAA/OceanUS guidance.