Monday November 2, 2015 Do Now : What do you think “living healthy” means? Learning Target: I can explain the concept of personal wellness and create a plan to improve mine. Success Criteria: My poster contains physical, social, and mental health goals to encourage personal wellness. Homework: Personal Wellness Poster Due Thursday
Personal Wellness Wellness can be defined as the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind. Personal Wellness encompasses the body and the mind as a result of specific efforts.
Wellness Wellness is a process and does not last forever. This is not a mile-stone, checkpoint, to-do list, or activity, this is a LIFESTYLE There are many components that must be considered when seeking total personal wellness.
Components Social Physical Environmental Mental/Emotional Intellectual Social Financial
Social Wellness What is Social Wellness? How you relate to self, family, friends, and community. How do I achieve Social Wellness? Have supportive relationships and a sense of belonging.
Physical Wellness What is Physical Wellness? How you care for your body and mind. How do I achieve Physical Wellness? Eat healthy, exercise, reading, studying, etc.
Environmental Wellness What is Environmental Wellness? How you create environments around you to support your best self. How do I achieve Environmental Wellness? Live in a clean space, recycle, think green, etc.
Mental/Emotional Wellness What is Mental/Emotional Wellness? How you see yourself and reflect on your actions/feelings. How do I achieve Mental/Emotional Wellness? Think positive, talk yourself up, eliminate stress, make good choices, etc.
Intellectual Wellness What is Intellectual Wellness? How you seek knowledge and spend your time. How do I achieve Intellectual Wellness? Study for school, be creative, join a club or sport like wrestling
Spiritual Wellness What is Spiritual Wellness? How you integrate your beliefs and values into your life. How do I achieve Spiritual Wellness? Be good to people, religion, create core values.
Financial Wellness What is Financial Wellness? How you understand and handle your money. How do I achieve Financial Wellness? Open a bank account, save, limit purchases, shop smart
Reflect Now that you know the concepts and components of personal wellness, reflect on where you fit in this lifestyle. Write down a few things you do that are good for your wellness. Write down a few things you do that are bad for your wellness.
Activity You will create a personal wellness poster. In this poster you will create a diagram of the dimensions of personal wellness. The three categories you should focus on are physical, social, and mental/emotional wellness.
Requirements Title is clear and creative Three categories clearly labeled At least 4 goals for every category Colorful, neat, and attractive Pictures Extra Credit – On the edges of your poster ( outside triangle ) create a set of core values ( four minimum )