Title - (Contemporary Issue) Your Name Here
Title of Slide 2 (1 of 8) Concerning the title above- if your topic was Drunk Driving you could say “Intro to Drunk Driving” This is where you begin presenting the contemporary issue. Try to summarize the issue and explain to us why it is a contemporary issue. Why should we be concerned about it? (Your link goes here- this is documentation that supports your writing above)
Title of Slide 3 - (2 of 8) Example of Title above could be - “Statistics of Drunk Driving” or “Facts of Drunk Driving” This is where you continue explaining the issue. For example, if the topic is Drunk Driving then I would explain the current statistics of instances in Drunk Driving across the United States. Then, I would explain the statistics of Texas. (Post links here of the data you found)
Title of Slide 4 - (3 of 8) Example of Title above - “Teens and Alcohol” Also, I would explain the instances of underage drinking and driving and let the statistics speak for themselves. Or, I might title the slide “Effects of Drinking on the Body” and discuss all the possible diseases you can get and the ways it wears your body out. (Post links here of the data you found)
Title of Slide 5 (4 of 8) Example of Title “Consequences of Driving Drunk” Discuss the legal repercussions of driving under the influence of alcohol. The laws continue to get more strict. I know they can take away your license to drive at some point and possibly ruin your chances of going to college. Or, discuss how it can destroy families. (Post links here of the data you found that support the views above)
Title of Slide 6 (5 of 8) This is where you start explaining solutions to your contemporary issue. For example, if your topic is Drunk Driving you can start explaining how we, as a society, can “solve” the problem of drunk driving. Discuss current solutions and even create a few of your own. Back your ideas with research!!! (Post links here of the data you found that support the views above)
Title of Slide 7 - (6 of 8) Continue explaining solutions to your contemporary issue. (Post links here of the data you found that support the views above)
Title of Slide 8 - (7 of 8) Continue explaining solutions to your contemporary issue. (Post links here of the data you found that support the views above)
Title of Slide 9 (8 of 8) Continue explaining solutions to your contemporary issue. (Post links here of the data you found that support the views above)
Title of Slide 10 This is your last slide. You may do with this slide as your wish. A few ideas include: Summary Slide- Discuss the issue and tell us how we as a society can resolve the issue and put it behind us. Resources- Share with your viewers all the websites that offer solutions to the problem.