Training & Development (Regional Action) Contd.
Training Problem Persists Workshops at PARBICA Biennial Conferences Workshops at PARBICA Biennial Conferences Recordkeeping for Good Governance Toolkit Recordkeeping for Good Governance Toolkit
PARBICA 12 Workshops ARCHIVAL BASICIS Introducing Archives Key Archival Principles Arrangement and Description Preservation Basics DIGITISATION Digitising for Access Making Images Accessible Digital Archiving Digital Access & Digital Archiving
Recordkeeping for Good Governance Toolkit PARBICA 11 Resolutions AusAID Sponsored Practical Suite of Products Basic Needs/Pick up & Go
BR OC HU RE pro duc tion face Good Records Good Governance ADVICE FOR SENIOR GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS Records support Effectiveness & Efficiency Records protect Government Records protect Community Interests Good Records Good Governance Brochure
RK CAPACI TY CHECK LIST produc tion face Recordkeeping for Good Governance Toolkit GUIDELINE 1: Recordkeeping Capacity Checklist Recordkeeping Capacity Checklist Simple to use “Yes or No” questions Suggestions/Information
IDENTI FYING RK REQUI REMEN TS produc tion face Recordkeeping for Good Governance Toolkit GUIDELINE 2: Identifying Recordkeeping Requirements Recordkeeping Requirements What records they should be making How long they should keep the records that they need Access to the records What format the records need to be in
Possible Future Products Sample Records Management Procedures for agencies Model general Disposal Authorities Guidance on Electronic Records Management in Low Resource Environments Environments Training Packages for Registry Staff
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