Recent Results of JCA-NID and TSAG Byoung Nam LEE HyoungJun KIM ETRI, Korea.


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Presentation transcript:

Recent Results of JCA-NID and TSAG Byoung Nam LEE HyoungJun KIM ETRI, Korea

2 1. Introduction 2. Results of the 2 nd JCA-NID Meeting 3. Results of the TSAG Meeting Contents

3 1. Introduction This presentation provides the recent results of the meeting of the ITU-T 2nd JCA-NID(25 February 2007) and the TSAG(26 February-1 March 2007) on network aspects of identification systems (including RFID).

4 2. (1/7) 2. Results of the 2nd JCA-NID Meeting (1/7) 2.1. Improvement of the TSAG-CG deliverables (Terms of Reference a) –JCA-NID did not receive any contributions directly related to the improvement of the various CG reports. Consequently it has been decided not to review or modify the texts and to use them as input to perform the work under the terms of reference b), c), d) and e). –In addition, the JCA-NID considered very important to promote this work in and outside ITU-T, since the reports contain very useful material to identify future directions in the development of global standards on NID.

5 2. (2/7) 2. Results of the 2nd JCA-NID Meeting (2/7) 2.2. Development and analysis of the list of standardization items and associated roadmap (Terms of Reference b) –At the first JCA-NID meeting, it has been decided to proceed for this agenda item in three steps: 1) to agree on a generic functional model, 2) to develop high level requirements (HLR), 3) to develop and maintain a roadmap.

6 2. (3/7) 2. Results of the 2nd JCA-NID Meeting (3/7) Generic Functional Model – During the discussion of the business models and service scenarios developed by the TSAG CG, the JCA-NID recognized the need to agree on a generic model based on functionalities to support ID-based applications. For this purpose, a model has been developed and agreed as base for further considerations. –This first version of the generic model has been published on October 19 for comments. So far no proposals have been received to modify it. –At the second meeting, the limitation of the scope of the JCA-NID only to object identification was debated. Since the work in TSAG was triggered by contributions on RFID, the meeting considered that the primary focus should be on object identification. However, this issue should be further discussed, since there might be need for high level coordination in other areas (e.g. user-ID)

7 2. (4/7) 2. Results of the 2nd JCA-NID Meeting (4/7) High level requirements (HLR) – In order to further develop and analyse standardization issues, JCA-NID has decided to start with the development of high level requirements. One possible input to progress this work is the analysis of business model and services scenarios (including work flows) performed by the TSAG-CG. –JCA-NID discussed several options to develop this set of high level requirements (e.g. technical Group, Focus Group). Mr Noburu Kosizuka (Ubiquitous ID Center) has been appointed editor for this Deliverable document at the 2nd JCA-NID meeting

8 2. (5/7) 2. Results of the 2nd JCA-NID Meeting (5/7) Standardization Roadmap –The roadmap will contain a list of existing and future standards based on the set of requirements (HLR). It will also be used as a tool to identify possible gaps. The JCA-NID decided to start immediately with the development of this document (living list!) with the following entries: - NID areas, - Entity (ITU-T Study Group, SDOs, Forum/Consortium, etc.), - Terms of reference of the entity, - Existing standards relevant to NID, - New standards under development (including deadlines) –The development of the roadmap and its maintenance will be made through the contact persons designated by the various SGs, SDOs and Forums/Consortiums. The current version of the roadmap is published as Doc JCANID O-050.Doc JCANID O-050

9 2. (6/7) 2. Results of the 2nd JCA-NID Meeting (6/7) 2.3. How to make available the most urgent deliverables (Terms of reference e) –JCA-NID received several proposals to organise the work, in particular it has been proposed to set up a Focus Group. –Since the HLR still need to be developed and priorities assigned, for the time being the JCA-NID is of the opinion that it is premature to set-up a specific structure dedicated to NID. –However, within the existing organization, the meeting decided to recommend to SG13 and SG16 to establish a Joint Rapporteur Group (JRG) as proposed in the ETRI contribution. The JCA-NID requests TSAG to endorse the proposal to recommend to SG13 and SG16 the establishment of a Joint Rapporteur Group (JRG)

10 2. (7/7) 2. Results of the 2nd JCA-NID Meeting (7/7) 2.5. Future work and objectives for 2007 – JCA-NID agreed the following general objectives for 2007: Promote the JCA-NID activities, in particular outside ITU-T Progress the work on the generic model, on high level requirements and on the roadmap in close cooperation with the relevant SGs, SDOs and Forums/Consortiums Continue to implement the coordination mechanism Monitor the ongoing work on NID of ITU-T SGs, SDOs, Forums/Consortiums and initiate if necessary specific actions to ensure coordination Follow the work of the FG IdM and ensure coordination with the ITU-T SGs Report to TSAG –The next JCA-NID meeting (2 days) will be held during the second week (2-6 July 2007) of the SG16 meeting in July In addition, a JCA-NID ad hoc meeting is planned with the experts of SG11,13,17 and 19 during the NGN-GSI event in September 2007.

11 3. (1/3) 3. Results of the TSAG Meeting (1/3) 3.1 JCA-NID –Working Party 2 received the progress report of the Joint Coordination Activity on Network Aspects of Identification Systems (NID). The meeting noted that JCA-NID agreed to have the above mentioned objectives for The meeting endorsed the proposal to recommend to SG13 and SG16 the establishment of a Joint Rapporteur Group (JRG) on NID and the JRG meeting be collocated with JCA-NID.

12 3. (2/3) 3. Results of the TSAG Meeting (2/3) 3.2 Ubiquitous Sensor Network (USN) Technology Watch –Working Party 4 received the two contributions form ETRI on Ubiquitous Sensor Networks (USN) that gave proposals for further activities of the USN correspondence group and a preliminary study on the Ubiquitous Sensors Networks. –On the basis of the discussions on submitted contributions and recognizing the importance of the USN subject and the situation on current progressing of NID work, WP4 reached to conclusion to ask the relevant Study Groups to urgently initiate the study of USN. The followings are considered to be the relevant Study Groups including JCA-NID as a coordinating entity. Other study groups may also be involved later. Study Group 13: Functional requirements and architectures including NGN view points; Study Group 16: Multimedia service descriptions and requirements aspects; Study Group 17: Security and Object Identifier aspects; JCA-NID: Overall coordination on USN standard activities within ITU-T Study Groups including relevant SDOs outside ITU-T. For this the Terms of References of JCA-NID should be extended to cover USN issues appropriately.

13 3. (3/3) 3. Results of the TSAG Meeting (3/3) –The meeting considered with interest these contributions and noted some activities related to USN (such us NID, including RFID) were already undertaken in the framework of SGs 13, 16 and 17. It was therefore felt necessary to reinforce the coordination in order to progress the studies on USN, and in this respect it was decided: To ensure the cooperation with the JCA-NID with an appropriate amendment to the JCA-NID terms of reference in order to include the USN; To send a liaison statement to the concerned parties in order to better progress the USN studies –The meeting agreed that the USN activities, under technology watch, can now be closed since the USN Studies was transferred to the SGs 13, 16, and 17.