Puritanism By: Sheridan Samberson
Setting The Massachusetts Bay Colony was an English Settlement on the east coast of North America in the 17 th century Around present-day cities Salem and Boston
Basic Facts about Puritans Wanted to purify their national church by eliminating all Catholic influence Were a significant group of English Protestants Were governed by a small group of leaders who were strongly influenced by Puritan religious leaders
Religious Beliefs Believed that the Church of England was corrupt and that true Christians must separate themselves from it Believed in predestination Argued that the only head of the Church in heaven or earth is Christ Believed that a man’s first concern in life was to do God’s will
Interesting Religious Fact To be a member of the Puritan Church, you must not only lead a godly life and have a clear understanding of the main concepts of Christianity, but you must also demonstrate that you have had an experience of the working of God within your soul. Only the people who gave a convincing account could be admitted to full membership of the church.
Culture Emphasized the need for self-examination and the strict accounting for one’s feelings as well as one’s deeds The social order was husband over wife, parents over children, and masters over servants in the family To them, proper love meant proper discipline
Education Women introduced all children to reading, but men taught boys more devotedly Children needed to read in order to understand the capital laws of the country
Works Cited "Massachusetts Bay Colony." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 06 Mar "Puritan." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 06 Mar "Puritanism in New England." Washington State University - Pullman, Washington. Web. 06 Mar "Puritanism, Puritans." Public Services - Social, Religious, Scientific, Products, Environment. Web. 06 Mar