Yalta: February, 1945 FDR wants quick Soviet entry into Pacific war. FDR & Churchill concede Stalin needs buffer, FDR & Stalin want spheres of influence and a weak Germany. Churchill wants strong Germany as buffer against Stalin. FDR argues for a ‘United Nations’.
Soviet Crimes Against Poland 1939 Nazi-Soviet Pact Massacre of 4,000 Polish officers at Katyn Wood in 1940 Did not advance on Germans during 1944 Polish Ghetto uprising (brutally suppressed by Germans Took 1/3 of Polish territory after war Because Poles would never elect a pro- Soviet government, Stalin imposed one
Satellite Nations (Puppets) Puppet governments set up by the Soviets in Eastern Europe after WW II These countries were “independent” BUT they are controlled by USSR Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Albania, East Germany
The Division of Germany:
Post-War Germany
“All of Germany must be ours, that is, Soviet, communist.” Two problems …
“ Stalin has broken every one of the promises he made at Yalta.”
Mass Rape – TWO MILLION (2,000,000) German women suffered this fate at the hands of Soviet soldiers between 1945 – 1947 Allied Trust – Stalin’s dastardly seizure of Eastern Europe exposed his intentions and left the allies resolved to consolidate as much of Germany as possible to protect its mere existence even if that meant accepting a permanent division Given the choices at hand, Germans supported this Anglo-American policy
The “Iron Curtain” From Stettin in the Balkans, to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lies the ancient capitals of Central and Eastern Europe. -- Sir Winston Churchill, 1946
The Creation of the U. N.
General Assembly Like a “town meeting of the world” Every nation is a member and has representation Discuss issues, develop relations Security Council Could raise an army, deploy multi-national troops, levy sanctions … police force of United Nations Most notable improvement over the old League
Security Council 15 members –Five (5) are PERMANENT members –The other 10 rotate on two-year intervals USA USSR United Kingdom (Britain) China france Five Permanent members had VETO power!
Containment Stopping the spread of Communism and Communist influence…keep it CONTAINED George F. Kennan: American historian and respected expert on the history of Russia and the Communist revolution. Kennan said our national policy should be to “contain” the USSR to its current sphere of influence.
Truman Doctrine “I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.” Greece and Turkey…fighting Communist uprisings (secretly supported by USSR) 1947…$400 million in economic and military aid to Greece and Turkey
Marshall Plan Secretary of State, George C. Marshall, proposed aid to European countries after they suffered worst winter in 50 years. Aid program was open to ALL European countries. USSR refused and ordered satellites to refuse as well. $13.5 billion to Europe to rebuild…schools, hospitals, roads, dams, etc.
Point Four Program Science, Technology, Economic Aid to underdeveloped countries
Berlin Airlift Reaction to Marshall Plan and other US aid to Europe, USSR closes all roads, rails, etc. to Berlin. Attempt to starve Berlin into submitting to Soviet rule. June 1948 – May ,000 flights delivering food, clothing, medicine, etc. 4,000 tons of supplies each day WE save Berlin and USSR had to back down.
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization Mutual defense treaty…”an attack against one is an attack against all.” April 1949 – USA, Canada, Iceland, UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway, Portugal and Italy – Greece, Turkey 1955 – West Germany
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1949) United States Belgium Britain Canada Denmark France Iceland Italy Luxemburg Netherlands Norway Portugal 1952: Greece & Turkey 1955: West Germany 1983: Spain
Warsaw Pact USSR “counter-alliance” to NATO USSR, Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Albania
Warsaw Pact (1955) }U. S. S. R. }Albania }Bulgaria }Czechoslovakia }East Germany }Hungary }Poland }Rumania
1949: The year of Communist Victory 1949: USSR tests first atomic bomb…they stole the plans from USA.
1949: China becomes Communist. MAO Tse Tung takes over as Communist dictator of China –USA refuses to recognize Communist China –USA treats old Chinese government on Taiwan as Chinese government –USA urges UN to ignore Communist China and only recognize Taiwan Mao Tse-Tung Chaing Kai-Shek