ACT Power Plus Vocabulary Lesson Ten
idolatry – (n.) excessive or blind adoration; worship of an object The priest accused them of idolatry for worshipping a statue.
adulterate – (v.) to make impure; to contaminate The fumes from the automobiles adulterate the air. Synonyms taint corrupt Antonyms refine refined
emanate – (v.) to come forth; to send forth She tried to control her anger, but harsh words began to emanate from her lips. Synonyms rise emerge
garish – (adj.) tastelessly gaudy The gypsy costumes were too garish for my taste. Synonyms showy glaring flashy Antonyms sedate conservative
immutable – (adj.) unchangeable; fixed The laws of nature are immutable. Synonyms enduring Antonyms flexible changeable
diadem – (n.) a crown Peter referred to his wife’s blonde hair as her golden diadem.
bucolic – (adj.) pertaining to the countryside; rural; rustic The bucolic setting of the old inn made it a popular retreat from the city. Synonyms pastoral Antonyms urban
redolent – (adj.) having a pleasant odor; suggestive or evocative The new fabric softener is advertised as being redolent or a spring day. Synonyms aromatic Antonyms acrid
impecunious – (adj.) without money; penniless Though impecunious, the man was too proud to ask for help. Synonyms destitute indigent Antonyms affluent prosperous
sedition – (n.) rebellion or resistance against the government The revels were charged with sedition when they protested the new dictator. Synonyms treachery disloyalty
defile – (v.) to pollute; to corrupt The oil spill defiled the entire bay.
gratuitous – (adj.) unnecessary or uncalled for He always gave gratuitous advice whether someone wanted it or not.
onus – (n.) a burden; a responsibility When father died, Jake had the onus of running the farm. Synonyms obligation
impious – (adj.) disrespectful toward God Some consider laughing in church to be impious behavior. Synonyms irreligious profane Antonyms pious devout
caveat – (n.) a warning John had so much confidence in his ability that he did not heed the old caveat about swimming alone. His funeral will be held on Friday. Synonyms admonition caution