ChangeUp East ChangeUp Achievements 2004 – 2006 and the Way Forward David Wood
What is ChangeUp? ChangeUp is a joint government and voluntary & community sector vision of how support for the sector should develop over next ten years It’s aim is that by 2014, the frontline voluntary and community organisations will receive support, which is effective, accessible, sustainably funded, reflects and promotes diversity and is available nationwide
Regional Fund Manager Aim: To gain maximum benefit from investment in region Facilitate development of county consortia Ensure diversity and inclusivity of consortia Facilitate networking & sharing of ideas Administration & management & reporting of funding
Good Practice: VCS Within counties Maintain & build on inclusivity & benefit for all Between counties Reuse good ideas; share lessons With national hubs Exploit investment & apply output Communicate needs to ensure right priorities tackled & right solutions emerge
Six County Consortia and a Regional Consortium established £5.2 million invested in the Eastern Region Over 120 projects funded in total Over 70 organisations taking an active role / lead on projects Over 150 organisations involved in the consortia across the region What has been achieved?
Integration and extension of knowledge management systems - analysis of data re VCS Integration of backroom services at county and local level Strategic approach to increase income generation, trading activities and business ethos in sector By June 2006 Outcomes and impact better communicated and evidenced Greater coordination, streamlined services and less overlap
Specialist interests better served (i.e. rural, BME, disability and older people) Improved delivery based on the planned integration of volunteering services Dedicated ICT support for frontline agencies Coordination and integration of websites By June 2006 Better balance between generic and specialist infrastructure services
Improved delivery based on strategic approach to workforce development programmes Six effective and inclusive partnerships with clear structures, accountabilities and processes extended beyond ChangeUp programme By June 2006 Greater impact better governance, performance and skills base Mandated leadership breaking the glass ceilings
One Voice Suffolk Some examples of what you have done differently Secretariat – Suffolk ACRE Has provided dedicated support to Consortia members and the Local Infrastructure Partnerships (LIPs) Development Officers have provided expertise in Community Development, Funding, Advice and Information LIP model - has increased accessibility, capacity, advice and support to frontline organisations
One Voice Suffolk Some examples of what you have done differently Corporate Social Responsibility – Suffolk CONNECT Has promoted increased partnership working with the Private Sector and the VCS Brings increased expertise in income generation, sustainability and effective use of resources Will attract Private Sector knowledge and involvement in to the VCS
One Voice Suffolk Some examples of what you have done differently Volunteering – Suffolk Volunteering Federation (SVF) SVF has led a comprehensive & well researched review into the provision of Volunteers Centres in Suffolk. The reconfiguration of 14 to 5 Volunteer Centres offers a more effective use of resources This model offers a best practice example for the sector and funders
The Way Forward Capacity Builders £70M funding to March 2008 Impact on frontline organisations Build on existing Investment Plan Partnership working Sustainability Programmes £17M Consortia (June 06) £864.9k + £800.0k in East of England National hubs (review summer 06) ~£11-12M Improving Reach (Sept 06) ~£2M Learning & Innovation with Spreading Good Practice (2007) ~£3-4M Non-consortium (2007)