The Play of the Diary of Anne Frank Act 2, Scene 4
Act 2, Scene 4 The occupants suspect that something is very wrong: No workers have arrived for work on Friday The telephone in the office keeps ringing mysteriously The police storm the building and their stay in the Annex comes to an end.
Act 2, Scene 4: The themes that are explored through the characters and incidents in this scene are: Betrayal Loss Persecution
Questions & Answers: What does Anne mean when she says: “I think myself out”? She means that your imagination has the power to transport you to places that you can’t actually go. You can experience joy and peace by thinking about joyful and peaceful things. Anne turned to God. Who do you turn to? Who is your higher power? You tell me ... If you were one of the eight, how would you have felt when the police stormed the building? You tell me …