2010/2011 Ass. Mr. Samir Omanović, dipl. ing. el
Dodavanje na GUI komandi za baze Potrebno je na GUI, koji je napravljen na prethodnim vježbama dodati u padaju ć u listu poziv svog GUI-a na kome je primjer koji ste realizovali za zada ć u.
Zadaća #2 Radi se na vježbama. Rok za završetak je do sljede ć ih vježbi. Ocjena je 3 boda. Svaki student pojedina č no treba dobiveni demo iz Matlab help-a prou č iti te napraviti dokument (DOC), prezentaciju (PPT). Vezano za temu primjera na Internetu na ć i minimalno 10 relevantnih izvora (radovi, č asopisi, knjige,...) i u dokumentu navesti zašto su ti izvori bitni te ih pobrojati na kraju dokumenta. Ukoliko to nije mogu ć e napišite da niste uspjeli na ć i 10 referenci. Nakon završetka, dokument i prezentaciju poslati asistentu. Fajlove spakovati u jedan ZIP fajl i imenovati na na č in: Z2_nazivTeme_imePrezimeStudenta.ZIP Demo-i koji ć e biti obra đ ivani: 1. Calculating and Visualizing Sequence Statistics 2. Aligning Pairs of Sequences 3. Working with Whole Genome Data 4. Comparing Whole Genomes 5. Assessing the Significance of an Alignment 6. Using Scoring Matrices to Measure Evolutionary Distance 7. Using HMMs for Profile Analysis of a Protein Family
Zadaća #2 8. Building a Phylogenetic Tree for the Hominidae Species 9. Analyzing the Origin of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus 10. Analyzing Synonymous and Nonsynonymous Substitution Rates 11. Investigating the Bird Flu Virus 12. Reconstructing the Origin and the Diffusion of the SARS Epidemic 13. Bootstrapping Phylogenetic Trees 14. Exploring Primer Design 15. Identifying Over-Represented Regulatory Motifs 16. Performing a Metagenomic Analysis of a Sargasso Sea Sample 17. Analyzing the Human Distal Gut Microbiome 18. Detecting DNA Copy Number Alteration in Array-Based CGH Data 19. Analyzing Array-Based CGH Data Using Bayesian Hidden Markov Modeling 20. Visualizing Microarray Data 21. Gene Expression Profile Analysis 22. Gene Ontology Enrichment in Microarray Data 23. Working with Affymetrix Data 24. Preprocessing Affymetrix Microarray Data at the Probe Level
Zadaća #2 25. Exploring Gene Expression Data 26. Analyzing Affymetrix SNP Arrays for DNA Copy Number Variants 27. Working with GEO Series Data 28. Working with Graph Theory Functions 29. Working with the Clustergram Function 30. Visually Representing Interconnected Data 31. Visualizing the Three-Dimensional Structure of a Molecule 32. Calling Bioperl Functions from MATLAB 33. Using BioJava Methods in MATLAB 34. Connecting to the KEGG API Web Service 35. Connecting to Local Databases 36. Calling MATLAB® from a Web Page using VBScript 37. Accessing NCBI Entrez Databases with E-Utilities