NFHS Rules Rules Changes Editorial Changes Points of Emphasis
IHSAA Swimming and Diving Officials Uniform Navy slacks or shorts White polo shirt with NEW IHSAA logo White tennis shoes and white socks The IHSAA patch shall worn at all times Uniform shirts and slacks should be kept neat and clean
4 Pre-Meet Checklist Arrive at site so you are ready 30 minutes prior to meet Make contact with meet host Check to see if pool is properly marked Meet with home team coach Meet with visiting team coach
5 Pre-Meet Checklist Meet with captains & coaches (if needed) Check diving sheets Meet with announcers, computer operator, and other table personnel TURN OFF CELL PHONES Prepare sounding device for the 500 freestyle
6 Pre-Meet Conference The Pre-Meet conference is addressed in the rule under Rule 4, Section 2, Article1.d Preventative officiating Items to discuss – medical, jewelry, illegal caps or suits, etc. As season progresses, meetings may not be necessary
7 IHSAA Modifications IHSAA Season IHSAA Tournament Series IHSAA Contest Limits
8 IHSAA Modifications IHSAA By-Law d – Participation by individuals whose school does not sponsor a team. NFHS Rule 3-1-2c Indiana Modification - by prior mutual consent, in a pool of eight lanes or more, each team shall be permitted junior varsity entries in the varsity race. NFHS Rule Indiana Modification- The referee’s decision is final in all meet committee discussions.
9 IHSAA Modifications NFHS Rule Indiana Modification – The order of events may be modified such that the diving event may be conducted at the same time as the swimming events, provided that there is mutual consent between both schools and two IHSAA licensed officials are hired. NFHS Rule Per National Federation Rule 6-3-3, the use of automatic relay judging equipment is permissible. See Clinic packet for details of modification. NFHS Rule Indiana Modification - If the contest is conducted in a six lane pool each school is permitted three entries per event. By prior mutual consent, when both schools and the IHSAA official(s) agree to conduct a junior varsity diving event, the maximum number of junior varsity divers permitted would be three per school.
10 IHSAA Tournament Series Reminders Arrive early Become familiar with facility Oversee scratches and entries per athlete Be proactive and use preventative officiating
11 IHSAA Tournament Series Reminders Check diving score sheets for accuracy Provide instruction to diving judges Insure that scores are kept via hard copy
12 IHSAA Concussion Protocol If an official observes an athlete that is exhibiting concussive signs, he/she shall notify a coach and advise that the athlete should be examined by a health care provider. If it is confirmed during the contest that the athlete did not sustain a concussion, the head coach may all athlete to participate in the contest. If the designated health care professional does NOT clear the athlete for return during the contest the athlete is subject to the return to play protocol. Regardless of whether the athlete returns to play or not, following the contest, an official’s report shall be filed with a removed player's school by the contest official that removed the athlete from participation.
13 IHSAA Technology ArbiterSports.com – Contest Management IHSAA Central Hub NFHS Central Hub NFHS Rule book mobile app. - For androids or I- phones go to the Goggle Play Store app and type NFHS Swimming. From there officials can download the searchable app. The app is not online yet, but it will be available soon. The app was $5.99 last year.