Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence Core Advocacy Training Domestic Violence In Later Life April 19, 2011 C.J. Doxtater WCADV Aging & Disability Specialist
Elder Abuse Domestic Violence D.V. In Later Life Age Gender Relationship Location What It Is…
Caregiver stress Self-neglect Dementia Elder abuse from a stranger Ageism Traumatic brain injury Abuse by paid caregivers What “D.V. In Later Life” Isn’t
Elder Abuse Domestic Violence Interaction of Abuses
Different Practice Models Domestic Violence Victim is defined as an individual with less power Intervention for perpetrator involves law enforcement or the criminal justice system Elder Abuse Victim is defined as and individual with a disability or impairment Perpetrator is seen as “stressed” & in need of community resources
D.V. can grow older New relationship Late onset Adult-child, grandchild or other family members Trauma Caregivers Undue Influence A Few Characteristics of DVLL
Domestic Violence In Later Life Advocate D.V. Shelter Adult & Disabled Resource Center (ADRC) APS I-Teams CCRs WCADV WCASA NCALL Resources
Tools 24 Hour Crisis Line Safety plans AILL advocate Support groups Faith initiatives Trained volunteers Family Legal Advocacy POA – medical & financial Individual Counseling Collaboration: Law Enforcement; Adult Protection Services; Aging & Disability Resource Centers; Banks; Health Care
Thank You C.J. Doxtater WCADV Aging & Disability Specialist Phone: Cell: Fax & TTY: Website: WCADV.org