All About Me Immediately pick up where you left off on your All About Me sheet. You have ten minutes before we move on. I will give you ten minutes today. Then it becomes homework.
Goal: I will understand the development of slavery in the English colonies. Target: By the end of this section I will understand the reasons behind the Atlantic slave trade and the trials Africans went through once enslaved. Scale: 4: I can thoroughly explain how and why the Atlantic slave trade began. 3: I can somewhat explain how and why the Atlantic slave trade began, but I forget a couple details. 2: I can explain very little about how and why the Atlantic slave trade began. 1: I cannot explain how and why the Atlantic slave trade began.
Main Ideas Middle Passage: slave voyage from Africa to the Americas The slaves were traded for other goods and loaded onto ships to head toward the Americas. Conditions were often terrible. Everyone was crammed to the maximum below deck with little light or air and diseases spread. People were constantly dying. Some even committed suicide. Maximum means largest and greatest. After arrival they were herded to the auction block and sold off. Most families were separated and never saw one another again.
Main Ideas Triangular Trade: British trade between the colonies and the islands of the Caribbean, and Africa 1.New England (the colonies) took goods to the Caribbean and the West Indies for other goods like sugar and molasses (syrup from sugar cane). 2.New England took goods to West Africa for slaves. 3.Took slaves to the West Indies to sell for more goods. *The colonies were disobeying the British by doing this because they were only supposed to buy goods from their “Mother Country” called the Navigation Acts.*
Main Ideas Slavery in the Colonies: Slavery has always been around, but not always for life. The Atlantic Slave Trade was more harsh.
Main Ideas Slavery Takes Root: The first Africans in the colonies were servants. As more and more were imported in, they became known as slaves. They were used for their labor working on plantations. There they helped with the growth of tobacco and rice and eventually cotton. Less servants were coming to America because conditions were better in Great Britain (reformation, renaissance, enlightenment). Indentured servants were also temporary and the owners needed something permanent.