Welcome to the South Online Library Using EasyBib -Setting up an account & creating citations Julie Vignoul, Librarian
EasyBib and your South Online Library EasyBib is a software that helps you organize your research in all subjects. You will have this account for all four years. South Online Library has dozens of resources that are excellent for your projects:: eBooks, encyclopedias, and databases with articles, news, video etc.
In this Powerpoint You will learn: How to set up an account in EasyBib How to use library databases & websites to find information and import citations directly into EasyBib How to make a Works Cited page in MLA style (can choose other styles too)
EasyBib Get on the South Library Homepage and click the icon for EasyBib under TOOLS Choose ‘Sign up” in upper right-hand corner. Fill in ALL fields and Use COUPON CODE: sehs2015 IMPORTANT: Memorize your access information or put it in your phone. TIP: Use your south username and password. Contact the librarian if you are having trouble accessing your account.
Create New Project If you have created an account correctly, the Pro-For Institutions will be visible… Then choose NEW PROJECT Fill out as much or as little info as you want. The default citation style is MLA. Choose Create
Open Bibliography
From the South Library Homepage, choose the databases you want to search:
Find an article you like then look for links to Citation Tools, Cite this Article etc.
Exporting Citations to EasyBib Look for a link to CITATION TOOLS or CITE THIS DOCUMENT (ABC-CLIO databases) Choose the EasyBib button or link. For EBSCO DATABASES: Look for CITE and Export to Bibliographic Management Software then, choose Direct export to EasyBib) Easybib will open a tab and the citation will be imported straight into your project For some databases, you have the option to EDIT the citation before it is imported. You may have to scroll down to see the CREATE CITATION button. Now close the former EasyBib tab. Every time you add a citation close your old tab; keep your EasyBib tabs current.
Cite a website by copying URL into EasyBib. Make sure you have your project open in the top left- hand corner of the page.
Cite any type of resource using EasyBib…note the All 59 options tab: Write/Paste option
Make Works Cited page From Bibliography view EXPORT to Google Docs or Word Your Works Cited page will be downloaded and permanently linked within EasyBib
Look for the Support link at the top of the page for help.