agentTool (III) Dynamic MSE Presentation 2 Binti Sepaha
Outline GEF Overview Architecture Design Formal Specification Inspection Checklist Project Plan Test Plan Activity Diagram Editor Demo Questions/Comments
Graphical Editing Framework Enables user to make rich graphical editors Uses Draw2D to handle visual graphics Based on MVC Approach
Graphical Editing Framework (contd.) Controller bridges the Model and the View Model and View have no knowledge of each other Each model has an associated edit part i.e. controller and a view
Functioning of Edit Part
Functioning of Edit Part (contd.) An edit part can play certain roles like Node Role, Container Role, etc. Node Role – to connect to other nodes Container Role – to contain child objects Roles are delegated to Edit Policies which handle Requests ContainerEditPolicy is installed for container role which handles requests such as AddChild NodeEditPolicy is installed for node role and handles requests such as target or source connect.
Functioning of Edit Part (contd.) ContainerEditPolicy then creates a COMMAND called getCreateCommand which is executed and a new object is created and added to the Container Similarly, NodeEditPolicy creates getConnectionCreateCommand and getConnectionCompleteCommand to start and end the connection Another policy - XYLayout Policy is used by the container edit part to place children in XY Layout The behavior of getCreateCommand is shown in a Sequence Diagram
Add an Element
Move an Element
Architecture Design Package View Controller View Model Editor
Editor Package ActivityDiagramEditor – creates and loads the graphical editor and the palette ActivityDiagramPlugin – enables the editor to be installed as a plugin in Eclipse Environment PaletteViewerCreator – creates palette entries and associates models with each entry PaletteFlyoutPreferences – sets the palette flyout preferences GraphicalViewerCreator – this is the actual graphical editor i.e. the drawing pane OverviewOutlinePage – this class gives the outline view of the diagram
Model Package
EditPart Package
Command Package
View Package
Formal Specifications model agentTool CLASSES -- class ActivityDiagram attributes name : String end class IModel attributes name : String x : Integer y: Integer width: Integer height: Integer end class ActionState < IModel operations addActionState(ad : ActivityDiagram) : Set(ActionState) = ad.hasActionStates->union(Set{self}) deleteActionState(ad : ActivityDiagram) : Set(ActionState) = ad.hasActionStates - (Set{self}) end class InitialState < IModel end class FinalState < IModel end class FlowFinalNode < IModel End
class IncomingEvent < IModel end class OutgoingEvent < IModel end class SynchronizationPoint < IModel end class DecisionNode < IModel end class SwimLane < IModel end -- --ASSOCIATIONS -- association ActionStateBelongsTo between ActionState[*] role hasActionStates ActivityDiagram[*] role belongsTo end association FinalStateBelongsTo between FinalState[0..1] role hasFinalStates ActivityDiagram[*] role belongsTo end association InitialStateBelongsTo between InitialState[0..1] role hasInitialStates ActivityDiagram[*] role belongsTo end association FlowFinalNodeBelongsTo between FlowFinalNode[*] role hasFlowFinalNodes ActivityDiagram[*] role belongsTo end association IncomingEventBelongsTo between IncomingEvent[*] role hasIncomingEvents ActivityDiagram[*] role belongsTo End association OutgoingEventBelongsTo between OutgoingEvent[*] role hasOutgoingEvents ActivityDiagram[*] role belongsTo end
association SynchronizationPointBelongsTo between SynchronizationPoint[*] role hasSynchronizationPoints ActivityDiagram[*] role belongsTo end association DecisionNodeBelongsTo between DecisionNode[*] role hasDecisionNodes ActivityDiagram[*] role belongsTo end association SwimLaneBelongsTo between SwimLane[*] role hasSwimLanes ActivityDiagram[*] role belongsTo end -- --This assocaition shows that there is an action flow between 2 elements -- association ActionFlow between IModel[*] role startsFrom IModel[*] role endsAt end -- --CONSTRAINTS -- constraints context ad:ActivityDiagram inv UniqueActionStates: ad.hasActionStates->forAll(a1, a2 | a1 <> a2 implies <> context ActionState::addActionState(ad : ActivityDiagram): Set(ActionState) pre cond1 : ad.hasActionStates->excludes(self) post cond2 : ad.hasActionStates = post cond3 : result = ad.hasActionStates post cond4 : (ad.hasActionStates - = 1 context ActionState::deleteActionState(ad : ActivityDiagram): Set(ActionState) pre cond1 : ad.hasActionStates->includes(self) post cond2 : ad.hasActionStates = post cond3 : result = ad.hasActionStates post cond4 : - ad.hasActionStates)->size() = 1
Inspection Checklist The symbols used in the class diagrams conform to UML standards The classes in the class diagrams have a corresponding description provided in the Architecture Design document The description of the classes in the Architecture Design document are clear and adequate The symbols used in the sequence diagrams conform to UML standards The sequence diagrams are clear and understandable The attributes in the USE model are compatible with the attributes of the corresponding class diagrams The multiplicities in the USE model are reflected in the Class diagram Classes in the Architecture Design (Activity Diagram) correspond to classes in the USE model All model elements and relationships as outlined in the Vision Document (Section ) are present in the Architecture Design document as classes
Project Plan Already developed – 5.5 KSLOC which is 50% of the entire project 5500 SLOC / 150 hours = SLOC/hour (productivity) 5500 SLOC /.50 = SLOC (total SLOC) Remaining SLOC = 5500 (5500 SLOC)/ SLOC/hour = 150 hours (Remaining Time)
Project Plan (contd.) 150 hrs/6 hrs per day = 25 days Approximately 25 days for coding, testing, etc. And 10 days documentation which includes component design, user manual, etc. Total of 35 days Approximate Completion Date – April 20 th 2005
Test Plan Features to be tested – all features from Vision Document Version 1.0 Drawing Sequence Diagrams Drawing Activity Diagrams Importing Models Exporting Models Printing Diagrams JUnit Plugin for Eclipse will be used for Unit testing Only functional testing will be performed All Test Results will be documented
Phase III Deliverables · Component Design · Source Code + JavaDocs · Assessment Evaluation · User Manual · Formal Technical Inspection Letters · References · Project Evaluation
Activity Diagram Editor Demo
Sample XML Model