Saint Augustine (354-430) Born in Tagaste, North Africa, son of a Roman citizen and a Christian woman, Monica. Received a classical education in Carthage.


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Presentation transcript:

Saint Augustine ( ) Born in Tagaste, North Africa, son of a Roman citizen and a Christian woman, Monica. Received a classical education in Carthage Professor of rhetoric in Milan Manichean Converted to Christianity by Ambrose in Milan, baptized in 387 –Abandoned concubine and son 391 Designated as priest 395 Bishop of Hippo. Died in 430. The City of God (431): Confessions: m m

Organizer of the Christian Orthodoxy Catholic (=Universal) Theory and practice of Dogma Against Paganism Against Heresy (concerned with deviation) Manicheans, Donatists Love (love of self vs. love of God) The heavenly city vs. the earthly city Struggle between Good and Evil (Self) Neoplatonic influence (justice = peace= order, in this case between man and God) Challenge: finding the right way of life for Christians

Kingdoms “Justice being taken away, then, what are kingdoms but great robberies? For what are robberies themselves, but little kingdoms?” (186)

The Two Cities Love of self Glory of men Cupidity Love of ruling Human wisdom Destined to perish Inhabited by those who live according to man Love of God Glory of God Charity Princes and subjects serve one another in love Holy wisdom Eternal Inhabited by God, angels, and those who live according to God

Peace & Order “The peace of all things is the tranquility of order. Order is the distribution which allots things equal and unequal, each to its own place.” (690) “if there is no man who does not wish to be joyful, neither is there any one who does not wish to have peace.(…)And hence it is obvious that peace is the end sought for by war.” (191) (687)

House, City, World “…it follows plainly enough that domestic peace has a relation to civic peace—in other words, that the well-ordered concord of domestic obedience and domestic rule has a relation to the well-ordered concord of civic obedience and civic rule. And therefore it follows, further, that the father of the family ought to frame his domestic rule in accordance with the law of the city, so that the household may be in harmony with the civic order.” (197)

Evil = disorder, vanity, mistake evil does not exist as a force of its own; it is just the absence of order, peace, and justice

Human Justice The human judge –“…the result of this lamentable ignorance is that this very person, whom he tortured that he might not condemn if innocent, is condemned to death both tortured and innocent.(…)If such darkness shroud social life, will a wise judge take his seat on the bench or no? Beyond question he will.” (190)

Slavery “…the apostle admonishes slaves to be subject to their masters, and to serve them heartily and with good-will, so that, if they cannot be freed by their masters, they may themselves make their slavery in some sort free, by serving not in crafty fear, but in faithful love…” (196)