1 CS 490JL Midterm Review Midterm in-class Tuesday, October 26 With thanks to Wai-Ling Ho-Ching
2 Questions about Assignment? Lo-Fi Prototype & Usability Testing due Thursday, October 21. Simple Heuristic Evaluation Due Tuesday, October 26
3 Theories of Learning Fountain of Knowledge A B C… A B C …
4 Theories of Learning Fountain of Knowledge A B C… A B C … Conceptual Web T-D D -G-A- T-D
5 Levels of understanding Recall Comprehension Case analysis, examples Synthesis Evaluation Example of concept A new idea.
6 Midterm Format Multiple Choice Fill in the Blank Short Essay Answer Example interface: Here is an example of an interface – find the flaws Example situations: Here is an example design process – find the flaws, or what concepts does it illustrate? Definitions Compare and contrast Process: Perform a heuristic analysis on the following interface…
7 Midterm Content You will be expected to know everything, up to and including the assignment due the day of the midterm. Lecture Readings Project processes Individual Homework (tutorial)
8 Tips for Preparation During the semester Keep up with readings Before the exam Review readings and notes esp “Review” sections List concepts Group similar concepts together Make up exam questions Why is this concept important? How does it fit into the big picture? Can I compare this concept to other similar ones? If so, then how is it different? What is a real world example of this concept?
9 Tips for Preparation During the exam Read questions carefully Don’t spend too much time on one section
10 So what did we learn, anyway? ?
11 A Quick Topics List Intro Design triangle Usability Goals and Metrics Design process Discovery, exploration, refinement, production Iterate! Understanding your user. Contextual Inquiry Context, Partnership, Master/Apprentice model Task Analysis Questions Tasks
12 A Quick Topics List Design Concepts Conceptual Models (Design, User) Affordances Metaphors Visibility Teams vs. Groups Commitment, common goals, mix of skills, agreement, mission statements etc…
13 A Quick Topics List History of HCI Vannevar Bush As we may think: Predictions? Grace Hopper Doug Englebart Inventions? Augmenting human intellect Specialized tools (bikes vs. trikes)
14 A Quick Topics List Human Perception Color sensitivity & physical human eye Hue, Lightness, Saturation Model Human Processor 100 ms Fitt’s law LTM, STM, Sensory
15 The Model Human Processor Developed by Card, Moran, & Newell (’83) based on empirical data Long-term Memory Working Memory Visual Image Store Auditory Image Store Perceptual Processor Cognitive Processor Motor Processor Eyes Ears Fingers, etc. sensory buffers
16 A Quick Topics List Lo-fi Prototyping Speed Level of Detail Conducting a test DENIM, SUEDE Wizard of Oz
17 A Quick Topics List - ? Design Patterns How to use them Six ways to make a good Home Page Patterns Homepage Portal Personalized Content Inverse Pyramid Writing Style Shopping Cart
18 A Quick Topics List - ? Website Design vs GUI Design Differences? Top Ten Mistakes in Website Design Can you construct examples? Can you recognize principles in an example? This will be covered on the exam Take a look at the notes online for this one!
19 Good Luck! Richard is going to IAAA and UIST Prof is going to UIST My office hours are Mondays 12 –1 in CSE 218