Vice Chancellor for Institutional Compliance Robert Bishop, (501) , University Hospital Compliance Officer Jane Hohn, (501) , Research Compliance Officer Darri Scalzo, (501) , Faculty Group Practice Compliance Officer Terri Brame (501) , UAMS HIPAA Coordinator Vera Chenault (501) , Director of Conflict of Interest Jennifer Smith (501) ,
The Office of Research Compliance (ORC) promotes the responsible conduct of research and the protection of human and animal research subjects’ safety, rights, and welfare. UAMS’s demonstrated commitment to compliance supports the institution’s ability to attract research support from industry sponsors and granting agencies and to minimize the inherent risks associated with conducting research.
Developing and presenting tailored educational programs about research requirements and best practices Monitoring, overseeing, and providing feedback regarding current human subject research activities and animal research activities; includes random and for cause reviews Responding to research compliance-related inquiries and concerns from investigators, their staff, the IRB, the IACUC, and UAMS administration
Clinical Trial Activities 21 CFR CFR CFR CFR 50F 21 CFR CFR CFR K’s NIHGPS 2 CFR 215 P.L CFR CFR CFR 814 CMS Policy DoD CTP Insurer K’s 42 CFR 93 K/Grant GAAP/CAS 37 CFR CFR CFR 220 GAP/CAS PL Sec. 218 COI IRB K’s/Awards CT Registration Enrollment CT Billing Misconduct Invoice Billing IP Filings Closeout Public Access Protoco l Regulation of Clinical Trials NIH Grants Policy Stmt
Darri ScalzoKaren Barnwell Research Compliance OfficerCompliance Audit Manager Phone#: Phone #: Trey TerryCarrie ChiaroResearch Compliance Analyst Phone #: Phone #: Nancy RheaCharnise Virgil Research Compliance AnalystEducation Resource Specialist Phone #: Phone #: