Strategic Planning Forum - 1 January 13th, 2009
Purpose To identify the purpose/vision of the GBA To determine clear, obtainable goals/objectives for balance of semester To have a better foundation for the 2010s to build on To build the core structure for all future classes
Agenda Who We AreWho We Want to Be Current Roles Future Roles
Ground Rules No phones, no computers, no anything This is a safe environment Positive, constructive, critical Take advantage of the opportunity Leave your role at the door Don’t talk about fight club What do you want to add?
Ice Breaker
How do we fit in?
Stakeholders - GBS External Comm. V.P.Comm. Faculty Area Coordinators V.P.Comm. Alumni Relations V.P.Comm. Dean’s Office V.P.Comm. Vice Dean’s Office V.P.Comm. Dvlpmnt V.P.Comm. Diversity & Cmnty V.P.Comm. GBS Programs V.P.Comm. Finance & Facilities V.P.Comm. Admissions V.P.Comm. 1yr MBA V.P.Comm. 2yr MBA V.P.Comm. Ev. MBA V.P.Comm. Exec. MBA V.P.Comm. Leadership V.P.Comm. Marketing V.P.Comm. Corp. Rel. V.P.Comm. Comm. V.P.Comm. Career Services V.P.Comm. -Who are we missing? GBA Student BodyClubs
What does the Program Office need us to be? 15 minutes - JB
What are we? What do we want to become? Within the context of our position in the school, how do we best impact this school? Brain Storm!!!! No bad ideas! Think big! Think broad! Think about the most important things we need as students!
What are we? What do we want to become? Group 1 –Gohde –Osterman –Ramenda –Tandon Group 2 –Kuhnert –Enright –Stanton –Cooper Group 3 –Busby –Hosken –Wang Group 4 –Goebel –Kuney –Shorb –McDonald
Prioritize What is mission critical? –Green - High Priority –Yellow - Medium Priority –Red- Low Priority
Themes Idea Management Issue Resolution Partnership w/ Program Office –Communicate Expectations Communication within GBS & GBA - Messaging Visual Representation of GBS –Social –Class –Alumni Accessibility & credibility with students & Program Office Common Vision, Goals, & Scope Stewardship of Values Building community across classes
What do these look like? Walking through the school, if these were happening, what form would it take? What regular occurring events would indicate these are happening? What meetings would be happening that would show these things are happening?
What do these look like? No less than 5 examples Write it up on the flip charts Present it to the room 15 minutes - Groups
How do we get from here to there? What actions do we need to take? Who do these actions impact? 15 minutes - Groups
Is our structure correct? Who is responsible for what? Who should take ownership of the priorities? What doesn’t fit anywhere? Which roles should we change/get rid of? What are the barriers?
Current Structure GBA Pres. & EVP VP Univ. VP Alum. VP Comm. VP CMC VP C&F VP S.A. VP Multi-C. VP Acad. CFO VP 1 Yr. 1st. Yr. Reps.
Stakeholders - GBS External Comm. V.P.Comm. Faculty Area Coordinators V.P.Comm. Alumni Relations V.P.Comm. Dean’s Office V.P.Comm. Vice Dean’s Office V.P.Comm. Dvlpmnt V.P.Comm. Diversity & Cmnty V.P.Comm. GBS Programs V.P.Comm. Finance & Facilities V.P.Comm. Admissions V.P.Comm. 1yr MBA V.P.Comm. 2yr MBA V.P.Comm. Ev. MBA V.P.Comm. Exec. MBA V.P.Comm. Leadership V.P.Comm. Marketing V.P.Comm. Corp. Rel. V.P.Comm. Comm. V.P.Comm. Career Services V.P.Comm. GBA Student BodyClubs
Stakeholders - Emory SGA V.P.Comm. Campus Life V.P.Comm. Institute for Dev. Nations V.P.Comm. President’s Office V.P.Comm. The Carter Center V.P.Comm. Chapel & Religious Life V.P.Comm. Grad Senate V.P.Comm. Treasurers V.P.Comm. Board of Trustees V.P.Comm. Academic Affairs V.P.Comm. Alumni Relations V.P.Comm.
Next Steps Revisit and solidify at next meeting. Identify comprehensive priorities list Re-visit priorities every week What time will we meet? What else?