Read the interview script and consider the following questions. 1)What is good about the interview? 2)What is bad about the interview? Read the interview script and consider the following questions. 1)What is good about the interview? 2)What is bad about the interview? Cognitive Interview
Lesson Objectives Lesson Outcomes We are learning about the cognitive interview Good if you can define cognitive interview Even better if you can explain how the cognitive interview works Excellent if you can use research to evaluate the cognitive interview Cognitive Interview
This is a police technique for interviewing witnesses to a crime, which encourages them to recreate the original context in order to increase the accessibility of stored information. Do you think the script you read is a cognitive interview and why? Cognitive Interview What is cognitive interview? A01
Improving effectiveness of questioning witnesses in police interviews Apply findings of psychological findings to this area Fisher and Geiselman (1992) Reviewed memory literature – people remember things better if they are provided with retrieval cues. The technique they devised had 4 components. Cognitive Interview Why is it important? A01
Use page __ to create a storyboard of the different stages of a cognitive interview. Leave space as we will be adding to it later! Be creative as you like – use pictures as a revision aid if you wish! 1) REPORT EVERYTHING 2) REINSTATEMENT OF CONTEXT 2) REINSTATEMENT OF CONTEXT 3) CHANGE ORDER 4) CHANGE PERSPECTIVE Cognitive Interview Cognitive Interview: 4 stages A01
Now revisit your storyboard and add in at least 1 example question for each of the stages in the interview. Tell me everything you can remember from start to finish in your own words…. Cognitive Interview Example Questions A01 Murder in a Pub
Kohnken et al (1999) -meta-analysis of 53 studies -Found on average a 34% increase in amount of correct information generated in CI BUT Most of the sample were university students Milne and Bull (2002) Found that when they used a combination of “report everything” and “mental reinstatement”, participants’ recall was significantly higher. BUT Still in a laboratory - artificial Cognitive Interview Evaluation Using the sentences on your worksheet highlight which are strengths and weaknesses of this form of cognitive interview (CI) AO3
Mello and Fisher (1996) When CI and normal interview techniques were tested on both older adults’ (72 years) and younger adults’ (22 years) memory, CI was better for both. But was more significantly an advantage for the elderly. Cognitive Interview Individual Differences AO3
Different police forces use different aspects of the CI technique so it is difficult to evaluate its effectiveness fully The technique takes more time than is often available Techniques that limit the eyewitnesses account to the minimum are often preferred Demands are placed on the interviewer to ‘probe’ effectively The quantity and quality of CI training is an issue Cognitive Interview Weaknesses AO3
Although cognitive interviewing produces an increase in ‘false positives’ (recall of additional items), there is a bigger increase in the amount of correct information recalled compared to a standard interview The CI is valuable in reducing miscarriages of justice in countries where these are likely to occur (e.g. Brazil) Cognitive Interview Strengths AO3
Discuss the use of the cognitive interview in obtaining evidence from eyewitnesses (12 marks) Cognitive Interview Plenary There has been research to support the effectiveness of the cognitive interview. Kohnken et al (1999) found that there was a 34% increase in recall when the cognitive interview was used compared to standard interviewing techniques This shows that the cognitive interview is a more effective way to access memories for an incident than existing methods of interviewing are AO3 Use one of evaluative points we have discussed to write a PEE paragraph
As this is the last lesson of Memory.. Your job is to: Finish any outstanding work in the Social Influence/Memory topic Make sure all homework has been completed Ensure all notes are complete and up to date