Grocery Shopping Is using a credit card to buy groceries a good idea? Is buying ready to eat food and convenience foods a good idea? Is clipping coupons a good idea?
Is shopping at several different stores a good idea? Is buying the store brand or generic brand always the least expensive? How would you know? What are examples of impulse buy items?
What are examples of demand items? Why is important to make a list before going to the grocery store? Why is it important not to go to the grocery store when you are hungry?
What is the one single most useful tool for getting the best buy at the grocery store? How often should you go to the grocery store? What are 3 important things to look for on the label when shopping for cereal?
What are advantages and disadvantages or buying organic produce? What is “nutrient density”? What should you look for on a bread label to ensure you’re getting fiber?
What is the difference between whole, low-fat and skim milk? The freshest dairy products are located where? What are advantages and disadvantages to buying margarine vs. butter?
Fat should constitute not more than what percentage of your daily diet? Why its it SO important to get at least 1200 mg. (3 servings of dairy products) in each day? How can you tell how many calories are in a container or package?
In the grocery store, the most expensive choice is going to be located where? (top, eye-level, or bottom of the shelf)? On the label, if a word ends in “ose” it means it is a form of what? If an item is “2 for 1” and you only want one, how much would you pay?
If an item is “buy one, get one free” and you only want one, how much would you pay? How could you get more fruits and vegetables into your diet? Where can you go on the internet to find the # of servings you should have?
What is the difference between whole wheat flour and all-purpose flour? What is the difference between brown rice and white rice? What is the difference between a “good carb” and a “bad carb”?