2008 Annual Meeting Paris, September 2008 hosted by
What is about? information sharing through: website dedicated news annual meetings thematic workshops/study tours on agricultural/agribusiness investment
: a few figures 20,000 monthly page-views database of 730 projects 138 users with password access 4 thematic workshops & study tours
‘s membership is free ! the network is sponsored by common operational goal: agri-investment willingness to share information
‘s plans see you at the wrap-up session !
2008 Round Table 1 Instruments for agricultural financing and risk management in the EastAgri region moderated by Frank Hollinger, FAO Salle Lorraine (2 nd floor)
2008 Round Table 2 Soaring food prices: a windows of opportunities for Russia and Ukraine moderated by Eugenia Serova, FAO Salle Limousin (2 nd floor) (English/Russian interpretation)
2008 Round Table 3 Adding value to the agricultural production of the region: GAP’s, quality labels and GI’s moderated by Gilles Mettetal, EBRD Salle Alsace (1 st floor)
2008 Round Table 4 Participatory approaches to rural development in the Western Balkans moderated by Kaj Mortensen, European Commission Salle Anjou (1 st floor)
Wrap-up session moderators present summary of discussions and next steps for EastAgri and members way forward for EastAgri
thank you !