ROUND CHARACTER A character that shows varied and sometimes contradictory character traits. This development is seen throughout the play.
ROUND CHARACTER My examples: Romeo: moody -at first he is pessimistic but he becomes spirited again as he meets Juliet (and then becomes irrational) Nurse: matronly and then, at times, inappropriate, tactless, and improper Juliet: immature and then mature, disobedient and obedient
FLAT CHARACTER is a minor character in a work of fiction who does not undergo substantial change or growth in the course of a story.
FLAT CHARACTER Examples: Balthasar, Sampson, Gregory
DRAMATIC FOIL A minor character whose attitudes, beliefs, and behavior differ from those of a main character. The foil may - ⁻ highlight flaws in the main character’s personality. ⁻ suggest what the main character may have been like if these flaws had not been present. ⁻ highlight flaws in the main character’s personality. ⁻ suggest what the main character may have been like if these flaws had not been present.
DRAMATIC FOIL Examples: Tybalt vs. Mercutio Mercutio/Romeo & Tybalt/Romeo Benvolio vs. Romeo Paris vs. Romeo Juliet vs. Nurse (Juliet remains loyal to her husband)
BLANK VERSE the verse form most like everyday speech; in English, unrhymed iambic pentameter. In the sixteenth century blank verse became the standard form for dramatic and epic poetry. Most of Shakespeare’s plays are in blank verse.
DRAMATIC IRONY Occurs when the audience knows something that the character does not know
DRAMATIC IRONY Prologue: R & J will die. Act V: When Juliet is found dead in her bed, but she is not dead. Act III: Juliet assumes Romeo is dead because the nurse is crying. Act III: Lady Capulet thinks Juliet is crying over Tybalt’s death.
TRAGEDY Depict the fall and death of a noble character who is in conflict with forces beyond his/her control. Tragedy requires that the hero-heroine make choices that lead to a situation from which there is no escape. Tragedy is the confrontation of human intelligence with forces that intelligence cannot cope with.