WELCOME TO DAY THREE. Congratulation, you are progressing rapidly! SPEAKING ABOUT THE GOVERNMENT Its obvious that some companies do loads of activities that if not put under check will Seriously pollute the environment, and its clear that the environment give us back What we give to her. So, because a polluted environment will give us back a polluted oxygen, and other Toxic gases and even poisonous water, the government have passed laws that checks all corporate bodies involvement in environmental pollution.
No corporate body wants to pay heavy fines set by governments as a penalty to any Company who defaults governmental laws. So they in turn create rules and regulation that we help them control every worker in their company. THEN THE CORPORATE BODIES:
SAFETY LEGISILATION RULES (a)GOVERNMENTAL: Safety legislations consist of Law enacted by the government to regulate industrial activities so as to safeguard lives of people properties and the environment. (b)COMPANY: Written laws prepared by the employers to ensure the safety of persons at work and also to save the environment.
SAFETY LEGISILATION RULES (a)A safety officer need to understand this laid down laws at his or her finger tips so to efficiently fit in as a mediator between the company and governmental agent. (b) It’s the safety officer that enforces the laws laid down by the companies management.
SAFETY LEGISILATION RULES -The factories act The minerals oils (safety) regulation 1997 reversed -Petroleum (Drilling and production) regulation Petroleum refining regulation 1967 (transport and storage of petroleum products)
SAFETY LEGISILATION RULES -Docks (safety of labour) regislation -Road traffic regulations -Petroleum (Drilling and production) regulation Petroleum refining regulation 1967 (transport and storage of petroleum products)
SAFETY LEGISILATION RULES -Electricity regulation -The explosive regulation -And many others in the book.
Please Note: - The laws stipulated above applies to different industries. -Companies / individuals operating in an electrical industry will surely not need a law guiding the oil and gas industry. So they need to obtain and abide by the laws that applies to them. -Its your responsibility to obey all stipulated law’s given by your industry, company or the government.
RESPONSIBLITIES OF EMPLOYERS AS REGARDS TO LEGISLATIONS -Employer should make sure all Factories (Plant) must be registered according to the standard of the federal Government before commencing operation. - Employer must provide personal protective equipments PPE’s as recommended by given authorities.
-Provision of sanitary facilities, -Adequate ventilation, -Lightings -Portable water -Showers - First Aid Facilities. And many other you can find in the book
RESPONSIBLITIES OF EMPLOYEES AS REGARDS TO LEGISLATIONS -NOTE: It shall be the responsibilities of everyone employed by the company to keep regulations and laws stipulated to help the company keep the federation laws. -ACTIVITIES LIKE: good house-keeping -Prohibition from any act likely to render ineffective safety devices in the plant or factory.
RESPONSIBLITIES OF EMPLOYEES AS REGARDS TO LEGISLATIONS -Prohibition from sleeping, drinking while on duty or reporting for duty under the influence of alcohol. -NOT to Tamper, repair or operate any equipment that he or she is not qualified to.
(A) There are measure put in place by different federal government arms to make sure regulations put in place are been obeyed by companies. (B) There are also measures put in place by companies to make sure her subjects obeys laws set aside.
ENFORCEMENT (A 1) One of the ways by government is that defaulter companies pays heavy fines. (A 2) Another way is that the defaulter company is temporally shutdown.
ENFORCEMENT (B 1) One of the ways by companies can be reduction of salary or not paying of arrivals. (B 2) quarries or suspension as the case maybe.
Penalties are for serious offenders or defaulters: Federal Government regulation bodies also have specific penalties for non-compliance. For instance: section 27 and 47 of the mineral oils (safety) regulation 1990 we have the following provision, that any person, company who act contravention of any provision of these regulations shall be guilty of an offense and shall be liable on summary conviction.
PENALTIES FOR NON-COMPLIANCE For companies, penalties for non-compliance might be: -taking any defaulter to law court and let the court take its place. -Make the defauter pay heavy fines -And any other tailored punishment proposed by the company safety officer and the management.
WHAT DID WE LEARN? (1) We learnt that government give certain laws to companies and enforce it so companies don’t do activities that will pollute the environment up. so if you own a company or work for a new company, be careful to request the governmental rules and regulation for your industry and keep the rules. (2) In like manners companies set rules that employees should fellow, each rule is very important because this is either the companies' making sure employees comply to vital governmental laws. Obey all companies lay down rules and regulation. so to avoid penalties.