Click to edit Master subtitle style 4/26/12 CoGTA Annual performance plan 2012/13 and strategic plan presentation to the SELECT committee on cooperative governance and traditional affairs 24 APRIL 2012
4/26/12 1. Strategic direction and approach 2. Detailed departmental Goals and Strategic Objectives 3. Overview of Financial allocations DCoG Specific Activities per Programme 5. DTA Specific Activities per Programme 6. Conclusion Strategic direction and approach Detailed departmental Goals and Strategic Objectives Overview of Financial allocations 2011 DCoG Specific Activities per Programme DTA Specific Activities per Programme Conclusion
4/26/12 33 For this period of 2012/13 COGTA will focus its resources towards fast-tracking the implementation of our collective decisions to enhance the functioning of Municipalities and to locate the role of our Traditional Institutions within the broader agenda of Government. CoGTA will provide a much focused support to 105 Municipalities which are within the 23 District Municipalities identified by Cabinet as well as corresponding traditional communities Strategic Direction and Approach
4/26/12 44 Strategic GoalsRelated Strategic Objectives Strategic Goal 1: A policy platform that provides a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support is implemented Improve the system of disaster risk management; Ensure the availability of the policy framework for differentiation; Facilitate the development of credible and simplified IDPs informed by the unique nature of municipalities; and Inculcate the culture of disaster risk reduction and resilience. Strategic Goal 2: Improved access to basic services Ensure increased access to basic electricity, refuse removal, water and sanitation; Establish partnership and mechanisms to improve services; and Support sector departments provinces and municipalities to improve access to basic services. Strategic Goals and Related Objectives of the Department of Cooperative Governance (DCoG)
4/26/12 55 Strategic GoalsRelated Strategic Objectives Strategic Goal 3: Implementation of the Community Work Programme Ensure creation of work opportunities by Strategic Goal 4: Local democracy through a refined Ward Committee model is deepened Review and strengthen a legislative framework for ward committees and community participation. Strategic Goals and Related Objectives of the Department of Cooperative Governance (DCoG)
4/26/12 66 Strategic GoalsRelated Strategic Objectives Strategic Goal 5: Administrative and financial capabilities of municipalities are enhanced Strengthen anti-corruption capabilities of municipalities; Implement initiatives to improve financial management and expenditure; Improve the Audit outcomes of Municipalities and Provinces; and Review and amend municipal policy and legislation to improve institutional and administrative systems Strategic Goals and Related Objectives of the Department of Cooperative Governance
4/26/12 77 Strategic GoalsRelated Strategic Objectives Strategic Goal 6: Strengthen the cooperative governance and provide oversight and support to provincial and local government Implement new policy and legislation to strengthen cooperative governance; Review local government policy and legislation; Establish an integrated information and communication management system; Coordination of capacity building and support initiatives to improve municipal institutional and administrative capacity; Provide technical policy and research support to the DCoG mandate; Provide support and oversight to public entities; Promote spatial integration in development planning; Facilitate the implementation of geographic information management systems; Ensure integrated planning and reporting; and Implement new policy and legislation to strengthen cooperative governance; Strategic Goals and Related Objectives of the Department of Cooperative Governance
4/26/12 Strategic Goals and Related Objectives of the Department of Cooperative Governance (DCoG) 88 Strategic GoalsRelated Strategic Objectives Strategic Goal 8: Improved coordination of interventions impacting on local government Provide focused support to municipalities based on evidence of municipal performance; Build clean, effective, efficient, responsive and accountable local government; Promote sustainable development principles and practices in local government Strategic Goal 9: Facilitate Economic Development at local level Support job creation at a local level through a system supportive of private sector sustainable employment creation.
4/26/12 Cabinet decided at the Cabinet Lekgotla of July 2011, to give greater focus to coordinating and integrating our service delivery in common priority areas where backlogs are the highest. The Cabinet Lekgotla identified target 21 district municipalities, which were later expanded to 23 district municipalities for more integrated and coordinated infrastructure and service delivery. CoGTA will provide focused support to 105 municipalities and traditional councils. Below is a list of identified district municipalities and Traditional Councils. 99 Cabinet decided at the Cabinet Lekgotla of July 2011, to give greater focus to coordinating and integrating our service delivery in common priority areas where backlogs are the highest. The Cabinet Lekgotla identified target 21 district municipalities, which were later expanded to 23 district municipalities for more integrated and coordinated infrastructure and service delivery. CoGTA will provide focused support to 105 municipalities and traditional councils. Below is a list of identified district municipalities and Traditional Councils.
4/26/12 List of priority Municipalities per Province 10 ProvinceDistrict Municipalities Eastern CapeAlfred Nzo DM OR Tambo DM Chris Hani DM Joe Gqabi DM Amathole DM Kwazulu-NatalZululand DM Amajuba DM uThukela DM Sisonke DM Ugu DM iLembe DM uThungulu DM Umkhanyakude DM Umzinyathi DM LimpopoMopani DM Capricon DM Greater Sekhukhune DM Vhembe DM MpumalangaEnhlanzeni DM North WestNgaka Modiri Molema DM Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati DM Northern CapeKgalagadi DM Xhariep DM
4/26/12 CoGTA Budget Estimates / / /15 R million Total to be appropriate d Current payments Transfers and subsidies Payments for capital assets Total MTEF allocation Administration Policy, Research and Knowledge Management – Governance and Intergovernmental Relations Disaster Response Management Provincial and Municipal Government Systems – Infrastructure and Economic Development Traditional Affairs Total expenditure estimates
4/26/12 ADMINISTRATION Clean Audit OpinionImplement the revised Internal Audit and Risk Management plan and fraud prevention Plan Implementation of the HR Plan Transfer payments Made according to the DoRA Established and functional financial governance structures Profile the department across Government and to the public at large 12 Specific Activities per Programme
4/26/12 ADMINISTRATION Support Provinces and Municipalities with Communication CapacitySupport M&E structure at provinces Implementation of the HR PlanConduct periodic reporting to on outcome 9 and LGTAS through the POA and section 48 reporting Establish a solid platform that will enable focused ICT support to municipalities 13 Specific Activities per Programme
4/26/12 Policy, Research and Knowledge Management Support ICT development at municipal level Develop Knowledge Management Strategy Develop policy papers in support of branch commissioned research 14 Specific Activities per Programme
4/26/12 Governance and Intergovernmental Relations Develop a White Paper on Cooperative Governance Implement the Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act Proposed Bill on Support, Monitoring and Interventions produced Draft Bill on National Monitoring, Support and Intervention in Provinces and Municipalities developed Bill on the Refined legislative framework for ward committees And community participation15 Specific Activities per Programme
4/26/12 Governance and Intergovernmental Relations Provinces and Municipalities supported With implementing the national framework for out of pocket expenses for ward committees Ward committees Supported to develop ward level operational plans Municipalities in the identified districts supported to enhance their revenue opportunities Implement the Municipal Property Rate Act (MPRA) Municipal Property Rates Amendment Bill finalised for consideration by Cabinet Municipalities supported with monitoring of MIG expenditure16 Specific Activities per Programme
4/26/12 Governance and Intergovernmental Relations Establish Partnerships with relevant agencies and provinces to fight corruption Percentage of municipalities With established and functional Audit committees Number of existing ethics committees trained in municipalities Percentage of municipalities With established and functional MPAC’s Monitor and Evaluate corruption trends in municipalities and provincial departments Secure international Resources to support the key programmes and outputs of the department 17 Specific Activities per Programme
4/26/12 National Disaster Management Centre Develop Integrated National Disaster Risk Management Education and Training Framework Amendment of the Disaster Management Act Fire Services legislation revised by target date Macro National Indicative Risk and vulnerability profile developed for floods, fires, drought and seismic activity18 Specific Activities per Programme
4/26/12 Provincial and Municipal Government Support Assessment report on the performance of the DCoG’s public entities Regulations Setting uniform standards for all municipal employees developed Municipalities supported to develop and implement recruitment and retention strategies Training programmes implemented for councillor development Municipalities supported to develop technical skills Municipalities monitored to fill vacancies in terms of Municipal Systems Amendment Act19 Specific Activities per Programme
4/26/12 Provincial and Municipal Government Support Municipalities monitored to fill vacancies in terms of Municipal Systems Amendment Act National Framework on the Professionalisation of local government Municipalities supported to pilot the revised IDP framework Municipalities supported to build Geographical Information Systems(GIS) capacity National Intergovernmental Planning framework to improve sector participation in the IDP process Provinces supported with IDP assessments20 Specific Activities per Programme
4/26/12 Infrastructure and Economic Development Municipalities in which CWP is implemented in at least 2 wards Business Development Forums supported in district municipalities Work opportunities created through CWP Municipalities which have signed MoUs of business adopt a municipality Number of signed MoUs implemented and monitored of business adopt a municipality Strategic partnerships formed to support the development of cooperatives 21 Specific Activities per Programme
4/26/12 Infrastructure and Economic Development Municipalities supported with the clean cities and towns programme Standard National Indigent Register for FBS programme was not developed Reporting of basic services through the coordination of sectors and stakeholders Number of district and local Municipalities supported in the implementation of comprehensive infrastructure plans District rural Municipalities supported to improve on MIG non-financial performance 22 Specific Activities per Programme
4/26/12 23 Strategic Goals Empowered traditional communities Effective governance systems for traditional affairs Sustainable partnerships and collaboration for service delivery Effective Department of Traditional Affairs Transformation of Traditional Authorities Strategic Goals and Related Objectives of the Department of Traditional Affairs (DTA )
4/26/12 24 Related Strategic Objectives Ensure that traditional communities are empowered by reviewing and developing the national support programme for traditional communities and governance structures. Promote and integrate the role and place of traditional affairs and the institution of traditional leadership. Including Khoi-San Leadership, in the South African governance system by establishing synergetic relations with other governance structures across the three spheres of government Support DTA entities, by ensuring that they play a central role towards development and service delivery Enhance alignment and standardization in the regulatory, institutional and support framework for traditional affairs across provinces and municipalities; and Enhance knowledge management within traditional affairs. Strategic Goals and Related Objectives of the Department of Traditional Affairs (DTA)
4/26/12 Research, Policy and Legislation Compliance report on the implementation of the Traditional Leadership Governance and Framework Act developed Number of Socio- Economic Provincial profiles on Traditional Affairs developed Gazette on the formula for kingship/ queenship councils Approved Policy on male initiation National Traditional Affairs Bill published and consulted on National Traditional Affairs Bill published and consulted ones Gazette on the regulations on roles and functions of kings and queens 25 DTA Specific Activities per Programme
4/26/12 Institutional Support and Coordination Traditional Affairs Sector Strategy developed, implemented and reviewed Capacity Building Plan implemented Report on the implementation of Assessment findings NHTL supported on identified areas Partnership Strategy developed, implemented and reviewed 26 DTA Specific Activities per Programme
4/26/12 Transforming Traditional Authorities Restoration of the dignity of the traditional and Khoisan leaders and communities Traditional leadership and structures Partnerships and effective participation of the cultural, religious and linguistic communities in provincial and local government Affirmation of the traditional and khoisan communities through the empowerment programme. Improve Governance capacity and capabilities 27 Transforming Traditional Authorities
4/26/12 Conclusion This Annual Performance Plan for the period 2012/13 provide an opportunity for all role-players across the spheres of government provide support to our communities which will receive the desired services, through organised and effective Government structures, operating efficiently, With infrastructure development at the centre of focus. 28
4/26/12 Thank You!! 29