Our castle ! By Rosie Williamson, Cameron Garden, Gregor Todd Shamanta Rahman
who was in the group! Rosie – made the pillars and the main part of the castle and also painted it and was the leader and material manager. Cameron – made the snake the draw bridge, the main part of the castle and helped paint it and the time keeper. Gregor – made a big snake, helped make the button, painted one of the pillars and was the facilitator. Shamanta – made most of the button, was a scribe and helped paint all of the castle.
How we made the castle First we made a plan which helped us decide what materials we were using. We used cardboard boxes. We used the cardboard to make 2 pillars and the main part of the castle, the button and the snakes. We then painted the main part of the castle, the button and the snakes. Then we put all the parts together to make it look like a castle.
Defences and Features Our first defence was the snakes and the second one was the button. The snakes guard the castle and kill enemies. The button opens the castle door so no one else can get in. Four of our features is the flag, the draw bridge, mote and turrets.
We need to listen to each other better. We need to work together better. We need to help each other more.
Things we were good at! We were good at making the castle. We were good at painting the castle. We were good at thinking of ideas.
Thank you so much for listening