Preservation Considerations Before, During and After Digitization Class 4 February 10, 2006
Managing the Preservation Risk: Who Will Be in Charge? Preservation Special Collections Archives Digital Library Services
Collaboration Is Key Stakeholders in the management of cultural assets must involve themselves in all facets of digital conversion projects. We must always remember to involve those who speak for the physical needs of the object. With care and forethought, we can minimize the risk of damage to important collection materials.
Loci of Physical Handling Selection Preparation (possible transportation) Conversion Quality control Bibliographic control Reintegration into collection
What are the Considerations for Off-site Digital Conversion ? Additional stress of packing and transportation Insurance, security and environmental control Staff experience with special handling Test phase option
Questions to Ask Before the Project Begins
General Environment, Security and Access Issues Are there adequate environmental controls in the conversion area? Does adequate security exist within the institution to insure safe movement of irreplaceable materials? Will all or selected materials be available for research during the project?
Selection of Collection Materials, Equipment and Vendors Can the material undergo normal workflow physical manipulation? Can the material safely undergo the actual conversion process? Can special handling guidelines or custom equipment minimize potential physical harm to the material? Can an “intermediate” be used for conversion? How will off-site vendor selection occur?
Preparation of Materials What level of intellectual control is available for the source originals?
Conservation Treatment Levels and Workflow What criteria will guide the physical preparation or conservation treatment of originals? Will a standard conservation condition report be prepared whether or not the material receives treatment? How will source materials be prepared for off-site processing?
Test Phase and Quality Control Considerations Will physical criteria be a component in a test phase or pilot project? Will source originals be handled during the quality control phase for digital products?
During Digital Capture How will project guidelines be monitored? Are the guidelines working as anticipated to protect materials? Are off-site vendors performing as expected? Is it possible to locate all source material as needed?
After Digital Capture Will there be a final quality control check of source originals? Who will be responsible for completing any needed conservation treatment before items are returned to the collection? Will an exhibit of the source originals be part of the project, to increase awareness of the new accessibility of the material? If there is increased demand to see the originals post-digitization, how will the physical needs or vulnerabilities of the source originals be protected?
After Digital Capture Are the source materials in news housings? Have source originals been re-numbered or marked specifically for the digitization project?