Art History Review Fall 2015 Mrs. Fox
2 The mood of an Expressionist painting is very __________________ a.Peaceful b.Happy c.Dark and Violent d.Hopeful and Uplifting
5 Briefly define the term Aesthetic Objective.
8 Who is the person in Henri Matisse’s painting, “The Green Stripe”?
The Little Fourteen Year Old Dancer, Edgar Degas, Bronze with cotton skirt and satin hair ribbon, Impressionism
Brownnosers, David Cerny, Mixed Media, FUTURA Gallery, Prague, Installation Sculpture
Bonus What type of sculpture is this?
Answers 1.Madame X, John Singer Sargent, Oil on Canvas, American Impressionist 2.Dark and Violent 3.The Weeping Woman, Pablo Picasso, Oil on Canvas, Cubism 4.The Tip, Steve Mills, Oil on Canvas, Hyperrealism 5.The Artist’s overall goal 6.Colors for a Large Wall 64 Panels, Ellsworth Kelly, Oil on Canvas, Hard-Edged Painting, Minimalism 7.Untitled, Pedro Campos, Oil on Canvas, Hyperrealism 8.His wife 9.Untitled, Donald Judd, Mirrored glass and wood, Minimalist Sculpture 10.Coke, Andy Warhol, Silkscreen on canvas, Pop Art 11.Bonus - Relief Sculpture