Hermann Rogowski
Curriculum Vitae 1950 La Paz (Bolivia) 1955 Germany 1957 – 1971 school 1971 – 1976university (WWU)
teacher training college (trainee) since 1978 Johannes-Kepler-Gymnasium Ibbenbüren (English, Pedagogy, Computer Studies) since 1993 district administration (teacher trainer) since 1998teacher training college (trainer for Pedagogy) Profession
Private married (primary school teacher) 3 children (27 – 33) – manager IT company – handicapped; lives in a working community – teacher training college (primary school) 2 ½ grandchildren
Expectations - getting to know, experience and discuss innovative approaches to teaching, learning and assessing - learning about cooperation and how to develop school as a „living organism“ - widening my knowledge about different school systems, teacher education and training, and lifelong learning