Presentation to EL Advisory Committee November 2012
2/15/20162 Title III –English Language Acquisition Program Requirements Establish ELP standards and objectives derived from the four domains (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) and cover grades K-12; Align state ELP standards with the State academic content and student academic achievement standards; Align the ELP assessment to the ELP standards. [ESEA Section 1111(b)(1)]
Rationale for the Adoption WIDA has a well-established research agenda; WIDA standards incorporate literacy across all content & the necessary linguistic elements; Strong alignment between WIDA standards, TESOL and the Common Core Standards; and WIDA has developed a wealth of instructional and professional development supports.
Study of Gap (ELPS and WIDA) OFS convened a team of educators who provide their professional opinion on: Gaps between current MI ELPs and WIDA/ TESOL as well as CCSS standards; And... Recommended a statewide professional development plan for teaching WIDA standards that will accelerate English learners’ achievement. 2/15/20164
WIDA ELD Standards Adopted WIDA Standards PD Begins: Transition-gap analysis, introduction, implementation, integration of language and content standards (theory & practice) Spring ELPA WIDA W-APT WIDA ASSETS Operational WIDA Informational/Introductory Webex Series Begins WIDA ACCESS & W-APT Assessment PD Begins: Structure, administration, results WIDA ACCESS WIDA ASSETS Fall Field Testing WIDA ASSETS Screener ASSETS Consortium Joined Online Test WIDA ASSETS Assessment PD Begins: Structure, administration, results Standards Assessments Timeline
Why? States must establish ELP standards and objectives derived from the four domains (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) and cover grades K-12; Align state ELP standards with the State academic content and student academic achievement standards; Align the ELP assessment to the ELP standards. [ESEA Section 1111(b)(1)] Adoption of CCSS in 2010 increased the level of rigor MI ELP Standards do not adequately support these more rigorous standards
Michigan ELPS MI ELP Standards Created 2004 MI ELP Linking Documents Created 2009 Legislation NCLB/ESEA Mandated 2001 WIDA WIDA ELD Standards Revised 2007 WIDA ELD Standards Revised 2012 TESOL TESOL Pre K-12 Standards Created 1997 TESOL Pre K-12 Standards Revised 2006 MI Curriculum Framework Adopted 1995 MI GLCE/HSCE Adopted 2006 CCSS Common Core Adopted 2010 Michigan Content WIDA ELD Standards Created 2004 Comparative Timeline of Standards Development
WIDA Alignment Findings MI ELP StandardsWIDA ELD Standards TESOLAligned with 1997 TESOL standards Align with current TESOL standards Addresses language development Address language development Common Core State Standards Integrate content embedded language development, to support academic achievement in English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies Promote equitable access for English learners to grade level, standards-based content curriculum by recognizing the shared responsibility between general education and English Language Development teachers to accelerate academic achievement
Finding #1: Alignment Inclusive of the MI ELP Standards and alignment with current TESOL Standards and second language acquisition research
Overview of WIDA Standards
Comparison of Levels MI ELP LevelsMI ELPA Test LevelsWIDA ELD Levels 1 ABasicLevel 1 - Entering 1 BBasicLevel 2 - Emerging 2Low IntermediateLevel 3 - Developing 3High IntermediateLevel 4 - Expanding 4ProficientLevel 5 - Bridging 5Advanced ProficientLevel 6 - Reaching
Language Functions/Domains MI ELP Standards WIDA ELD Standards Listening Listening and Reading Discourse Level— Linguistic Complexity Sentence Level—Language Forms and Conventions Word/Phrase Level— Vocabulary Usage Speaking Reading Speaking and Writing Writing
Integration of Academic Language
Finding #2: Connection to CCSS Connection to Common Core State Standards Specific reference to Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies Incorporation of electives Inclusion of college /career readiness
Direct Link to Common Core
Finding #3: Equitable Access Promotion of equitable access for English learners to grade level, standards-based content curriculum Recognition of shared responsibility between general education and English Language Development teachers Acceleration academic achievement for ELs
WIDA Standards and Assessment WIDA ELD Standards developed along with ACCESS, the WIDA ELD assessment Seamless connection between standards and assessment Clear and concrete direction with how to accommodate English learners and to modify instruction Hold language development and general education teachers accountable for EL’s academic achievement Integral for data-driven decision-making purposes.
Professional Development for WIDA ELD Standards Rollout Introduction to WIDA – Fall 2012 Train the Trainers – Spring 2013 Centralized trainings Recruiting EL experts Includes introduction/implementation of standards, integration of content/language, and collaboration among educators Statewide Training – Summer 2013 Regional (ISD) and local (LEA) trainings