Materials Science in Civil Engineering CE 336 Introduction to Construction Materials
CE 336 Role of Material Science in CE Combining several sciences Chemistry Physics Mechanics Behavioral understanding of materials is based on knowledge of these sciences.
CE 336 Predicting Behavior Civil Engineers design complex systems using relationships between Stress vs. Strength Strain vs. Deflection Exposure vs. Durability Risk vs. Consequence Cost vs. Aesthetics & Life Cycle Others
CE 336 Course Topics Engineering Properties of Materials Basic Material Science Production of Construction Materials Behavior of Engineering Materials Measurement of Properties Practical Material Selection Issues
CE 336 Engineering Properties Forces and Stresses Deformations Strains Stiffness Ductility Fracture Characteristics Physical Properties Chemical Properties Thermal Properties Electromagnetic Acoustic Biological
CE 336 Materials Science Atomic nature of materials Microstructure Relationship between material structure and engineering properties Altered structures to customize properties
CE 336 Production of Materials
CE 336 Material Selection Wood - Lumber, Plywood, OSB, Composites Steel - Shapes, Rebar, Pipe, Cold- Formed, Cable Concrete - Cast, Precast, Grout, Cellular, Mortar Bitumen - Hot-mixed, Cold-mixed, Composites, Emulsions, Cutbacks Aluminum - Shapes, Pipe, Cold-Formed Stone and Masonry - Clay, Concrete Block, Cut-Stone
CE 336 Material Selection Composites - Cable, Rebar, Plate, Fabric Polymers - Pipe, Liners, Coatings, Filters Architectural Materials - Tile, Fascia, Glass, Acoustic Tile
CE 336 Measurement of Properties and Testing Standards Consensus Standards Government Standards Industry Standards Research Standards
CE 336 Accuracy and Reliability of Engineering Materials Design Safety Performance Durability Liability Economy
CE 336 Assignment No. 1 Due Sept 9. Read and hand in one “CE material” focused newspaper or magazine article (either copy or original). Look up and read the ASTM standard for compressive strength of cylindrical concrete specimens. Hand in a copy of the 1 st page. Answer the following: What is the designation number? What is the required accuracy of the testing machine? What is the correction factor for the results for a specimen with a length of 10.5 inches and a diameter of 6 inches?