starter activity To get round the enforced silence at mealtimes some monks developed an extremely complex sign language to communicate what they wanted. What do you think the following signs meant? Waving the hand sideways Waving the hand sideways Rubbing the nose with your right hand Rubbing the nose with your right hand Drawing a circle in the air with the thumb and 2 fingers Drawing a circle in the air with the thumb and 2 fingers
Answers Waving the hand sideways meant fish Waving the hand sideways meant fish Rubbing the nose with your right hand meant mustard Rubbing the nose with your right hand meant mustard Drawing a circle in the air with the thumb and 2 fingers meant bread Drawing a circle in the air with the thumb and 2 fingers meant bread
What was life like in a medieval monastery? To describe a typical day in the life of a monk Aim
What did monks do? Obeyed Rule of St Benedict Prayed, worked, ate & slept together Vows of poverty & chastity 4 types or orders: Benedictines, Cluniacs, Cistercians & Carthusians (silent) A monk at work on an illuminated manuscript
What were the vows that monks made? Spend his life in the service of God Give away his property to others Obey the abbot at all times Wear a habit and sandals and have a tonsure Stay in the monastery throughout his life Remain celibate
Who worked in a monastery? Abbot – Christ’s representative Monks – services, prayers Novices - trainees Lay brothers – estate workers Obedientaries - servants Obedientaries Glastonbury Abbey
What did a monk do during the day? Daily round of prayers & services Daily round of prayers & servicesprayers & servicesprayers & services Special festivals, e.g. Christmas, Easter Day & Saints Days Special festivals, e.g. Christmas, Easter Day & Saints Days Prayers for souls of wealthy patrons Prayers for souls of wealthy patrons Reading & illuminating Reading & illuminating Daily meetings in chapter house Daily meetings in chapter house Fountains Abbey
Where did they work & live? Click image for bigger version
Your task Write the diary entry for a medieval monk. It is a very busy day. Try to include as many references to the different things a monk would have done in a single day as you can and explain why they are important to life in a medieval monastery. Limited range of references, e.g. to abbot, prayers & sign language Broad range of references to individuals, places, responsibilities, but entries lack detail and don’t really explain why they are important. Broad range of references as well as detailed information on different types of prayers, different locations within monasteries, different types of monks, and explain why these things are important to the life of the monastery.
Prayers & services ServiceTime Night office / Matins 12am PrimeDawn TerceMid-morning Sext12pm NoneMid-afternoon Vespers Late afternoon ComplineDusk
Obedientaries These were men who were responsible for the day to day running of the monastery, and who ensured the Rule was followed to the letter. They included: the cellarer (responsible for provisions), the fraterer (crockery, linen & lavatorium) the chamberlain (beds, clothing) the almoner (charitable gifts to the poor) the precentor (organisation of church services) the sacrist (church furnishings)