Coding, Crypto and Security at TU/e
Mathematics and Computer Science tics-and-computer-science/
Mathematics Centre for Analysis, Scientific Computing and Applic. tics-and-computer-science/research/research- programs-mathematics/centre-for-analysis-scientific- computing-and-applications-casa/ Stochastics tics-and-computer-science/research/research- programs-mathematics/section-stochastics-sto/
Mathematics Discrete Mathematics tics-and-computer-science/research/research- programs-mathematics/section-discrete-mathematics- dm/
Discrete Mathematics - Coding Theory and Cryptology - Cryptographic Implementations - Discrete Algebra and Geometry - Combinatorial Optimization
Coding Theory and Cryptology Coding Theory error correcting codes information theory algebra, combinatorics, geometry, statistics … Cryptology secret messages, hash functions digital signatures, certificates secure multi-party computation, protocols internet auctions, electronic elections algorithms, number theory, …
Coding Theory and Cryptology Tanja Lange crypto on (hyper)elliptic curves code based crypto Berry Schoenmakers cryptographic protocols multi-party computation
Coding Theory and Cryptology Ruud Pellikaan algebraic geometry codes code based crypto Benne de Weger lattice based crypto hash functions algorithmic number theory
Coding Theory and Cryptology Ruben Niederhagen parallel architectures Andreas Huelsing digital signature schemes quantum-computer aided attacks
Coding Theory and Cryptology Thijs Laarhoven lattice based crypto hash functions Jan-Jaap Oosterwijk digital watermarks
Coding Theory and Cryptology Putranto Hadi Utomo Binary Puzzles Constrained Arrays
Cryptographic Implementations Dan Bernstein cryptographic implementations cryptographically protect every Internet packet against espionage, corruption, and sabotage
Cryptographic Implementations Andreas Hulsing hash-based signature schemes Tony Chou fast implementations code-based cryptosystems
Cryptographic Implementations Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup elliptic and hyperelliptic curve cryptography pairing-based cryptography side-channel analysis Christine van Vredendaal algorithmic cryptanalysis
Security Sandro Etalle network intrusion detection protection of industrial control systems access control and trust management usage control and privacy protection verification of security protocols.
Security Milan Petkovic Information security Secure data management Boris Skoric Secure key storage Anti-counterfeiting
Institute: EIPSI - EI/ΨEI/Ψ EIPSI - Coding Theory and Cryptology - Cryptographic Implementations - Security
The Kerckhoffs Institute The Kerckhoffs Institute for Computer Security The institute is a collaboration between: - University of TwenteUniversity of Twente - Eindhoven University of TechnologyEindhoven University of Technology - Radboud University NijmegenRadboud University Nijmegen Offers a 2-year master track in computer security as part of a computer science master programme
MasterMath Dutch Master's Degree Program in Mathematics
Computer Science Information Systems tics-and-computer-science/research/research- programs-computer-science/section-information- systems-is/ Security and Embedded Networked Systems tics-and-computer-science/research/research- programs-computer-science/section-security-and- embedded-networked-systems-sens/
Computer Science Algorithms and Visualization tics-and-computer-science/research/research- programs-computer-science/section-algorithms-and- visualization-av/ Model Driven Software Engineering tics-and-computer-science/research/research- programs-computer-science/section-model-driven- software-engineering-mdse/
Data Science cience.html van der Aalst MOOC: Process Mining: Data science in Action /
EIT Digital Master School tics-and-computer-science/news/ newly- established-eit-digital-data-science-program-at-the- master-school-kick-off
Brochures and weblinks 1 Graduate Programs school/graduate-programs/ Overview Academic Programs werving/index.html#
Brochures and weblinks 2 Industrial and Applied Mathematics school/graduate-programs/industrial-and-applied- mathematics-graduate-program/ PhD program Industrial and Applied Mathematics school/graduate-programs/industrial-and-applied- mathematics-graduate-program/phd-program- industrial-and-applied-mathematics/