1 Reporting on State of Environment and trends First meeting of the Drafting Group 15. June 05 Introduction Beate Werner.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Reporting on State of Environment and trends First meeting of the Drafting Group 15. June 05 Introduction Beate Werner

2 SoE reporting by EEA The European Environment Agency is the EU body dedicated to providing timely, targeted, reliable and independent information on the environment To this end EEA is mandated: to provide the Community and the Member States with the objective, comparable information necessary for framing and implementing sound and effective environmental policies; to record, collate and assess data on the state of the environment and to draw up regular expert reports on the state, quality, sensitivity and pressures on the environment

3 SoE, trends Policy effectiveness Compliance checking Types of data reported to EU Legal transposition Practical compliance –conformity with environmental standards, limit values… Description on policy measures - plans programmes, instruments Policy effects and effectiveness – effects of measures and distance to target Environmental data – environmental pressures, state and trends EEA interest

4 Intern. Conv. M S Public EEA COM Member States Data Information Users Useful Information Data treatment / aggregation Compliance checking Policy Effectiveness SoE Trends An. Purposes for reporting Drivers for data collection ways and pupose of reporting in a shared information system

5 Purpose of EU-level SoE assessments National reports on WFD, N- Dir, UWWTD, implementation and compliance, e.g. Art 3 and 5 + nat. SoE reports Collected on EU-level  Scattered picture limited comparability SoE assessment on EU-level,  reports in aggregated way with comparable data EU-wide picture Coarse resolution, for small catchment scale only aggregated information - not for looking in „your backyard“ Member States - EU Needs disaggregated data from MS

6 EEA assessments Core Set of Indicators Nutrients in freshwater Oxygen consuming substances in rivers Urban waste water treatment Use of freshwater resources Other indictors, see Water Indicator Report Hazardous substances Water quantity Broader integrated assessments e.g.: Agriculture/water linkages, and effectiveness of UWWTD;  Linking water quality to pressures from agriculture and point sources Impacts from climate change – water quantity on EU- scale

7 Disaggregation for trends – Nutrients in freshwater

8 Disaggregation for trends grouped by regions - Phosphorous in rivers

9 Are we moving into the right direction? - Are measures effective? Many national monitoring programmes have been running for years – good basis for evaluating trend 25 % of monitoring stations on Europe's rivers recorded a decrease between 1992 and However, around 15 % of river monitoring stations showed an increasing trend in nitrate concentrations over the same period. Source: EEA Signals Dissagregated data needed to make the overall EU-level statistic

10 Present concentration of orthophosphate (µg P/l) in rivers in European countries Dissagregation on station level

11 spatial dissagregation - trend of information per catchment

12 Orthophosphate concentrations in different sized rivers Catchment area (km 2 )

13 comparability MS EEA assessment Provision of or access to data at the lowest level of aggregation needed to ensure comparability; e.g. annually/monthly concentration of nutrients at (representative) stations

14 Summary on mandate and comments Objective: SoE data stream streamlined with reporting obligations under all relevant water related directives To support SoE reporting based on at least annual frequency where available (wording adapted) Taking EIONET – water as a principal starting point taking into account necessary adaptation of EIONET and of the national Monitoring Networks towards the WFD requirements

15 Summary on mandate and comments Objective: Reference to INSPIRE principles and priority on easy access to data (added) The Drafting Group will discuss and agree on the appropriate level of aggregation

16 Summary on mandate and comments Task 1 : Clarification of reporting streams required for and contributing to SOE-assessments Specifying (i.e identifying existing) flows on a) data produced for compliance purposes b) other data MS provide (voluntary) to enable SOE, trend and pressures reporting out of the national monitoring networks under WFD and other policy processes (identify synergies and relation between them to be possible used in their reporting)

17 Summary on mandate and comments Tasks 2 : Review of existing guidance documents 2.7 monitoring guidance Former EWN-guidelines Monitoring and reporting guidance for other directives The aim is to use monitoring networks under WFD most efficiently (clarified)

18 Summary on mandate and comments Tasks 3 : Write guidance document on scope of parameters List scope and sub-set of parameters Scope in cooperation with formulation of reporting sheets in compliance drafting group (added) To be developed in alignment with establishment of new monitoring networks under WFD (iterative process) (clarified)

19 Summary on mandate and comments Task 4 : write Guidance document on data processing and handling Elaboration of : –Semantic, conceptual and referential interoperability between the national/regional and EU-level set of information (added) –Aspects of QA/QC and comparability (added) –Statistical aspects; –Spatial and temporal aggregation of data; –Meta data to support the reported SOE data; –Business rules on data handling and dissemination; –Schedule for regular updating (based on the existing EIONET-water data flow). (modified)

20 Summary on mandate and comments Tasks: 5) Requirements for technical integration To formulate requirements for the technical tools under WISE, e.g. Integration with data dictionary and REPORTNET tools

21 Timetable Tasks 1) Clarification on reporting streams required for and contributing to SOE-assessments 2) Review of 2.7 Monitoring guidance and former EWN Guidance 3) Guidance on scope of SOE-parameters reporting sheets for SOER for surface and GW i) physico-chemical quality elements ii) biological quality elements iii) hydromorphological quality elements 4) Guidance on data processing and handling a)interoperability b)aspects of QA/QC and comparability c)statistical aspects; d)spatial and temporal aggregation of data; e)meta data to support the SOE data; f)business rules on data handling and dissemination; g)schedule for regular updating (based EIONET-water) 5) Requirements and recommendation for technical integration; review of development a)needs for data base aspects b)Development of Reportnet tools c)Needs on GIS aspects

22 Relation to the development of WISE Reflecting the recent discussion between DG ENV, JRC, ESTAT and EEA

23 Key messages from Brainstorming Agreement on one common data infrastructure SOE-Drafting Group has to agree on guidance: on data specification and aggregation level on exchange ways and formats in cooperation with compliance Draf Group Requirements on GIS aspects in co- operation wih GIS group

24 Current situation Intern. Conv. M S Public EEA COM Member States Data Information Users Information Data treatment

25 Data treatment /aggregation WISE – Process + Tool Information Users Intern. Conv. M S Public EEA COM EU - level Information Compliance checking Policy Effectiveness SoE Trends An. Purposes for reporting Drivers for data collection Common vision Member States Data

26 SOE-data from WFD- networks Other data Compliance reporting SOE- assessments and Policy effectiveness Compliance One common data infrastructure (virtual dataplace) With separated, but overlapping features e.g. data repository, data dictionary visualisation tools, web interfaces WISE