LHCb performance for B s J/ and B d J/ K s decays Jeroen van Hunen
July 11, 2003Physics at LHC, Prague 2 B s J/ and B d J/ K s B d J/ K s B s J/ CP violated (interference mixing and decay) } CP eigenstate and a mixture of CP-odd and CP-even states If fcp 0 no CPV in decay no CPV in mixing } single weak phase CP-symmetry
Jeroen van Hunen July 11, 2003Physics at LHC, Prague 3 CP - Asymmetry CP-eigenstate, | f | = 1 : = 0 (for B 0 d ) :
Jeroen van Hunen July 11, 2003Physics at LHC, Prague 4 J/ = sin 2 s J/ K s = sin 2 B s J/ and B d J/ K s
Jeroen van Hunen July 11, 2003Physics at LHC, Prague 5 J/ + - selection Two opposite charged muons with : P t > 0.5 GeV Vertex with a 2 < 9 Invariant mass within 50 MeV/c 2 of m J/ = 10 MeV + - mass (GeV)
Jeroen van Hunen July 11, 2003Physics at LHC, Prague 6 Two opposite charged electrons one with P t > 0.8 GeV/c and one with P t > 1.8 GeV/c A vertex 2 < 6 vertex |Z| < 150 mm An invariant mass between 2.7 – 3.2 GeV/c 2 J/ e + e - selection = 66 MeV e + e - mass (GeV)
Jeroen van Hunen July 11, 2003Physics at LHC, Prague 7 K + K - selection Two opposite charged kaons with P t > 0.5 GeV, giving a vertex with a 2 12 GeV/c 2 Combine the J/ and if the four tracks form a vertex with 2 < 20, then select the primary vertex with smallest IP (< 4mm) B s J/ selection
Jeroen van Hunen July 11, 2003Physics at LHC, Prague 8 B s J/ selection Other constraints on the B s 0 : Proper time (consistency between the B s 0 momentum and the vector between the production and decay vertex) significance > 5 m B s within 50 MeV/c 2 of the nominal B s 0 mass + - K + K - Mass + - K + K - Mass residual =15MeV = 38 fs bb-incl.
Jeroen van Hunen July 11, 2003Physics at LHC, Prague 9 K s + - selection categoryfractionvertex Z res. LL m LV m TT m Two oppositely charged pions, giving a vertex with a z position between meter, invariant mass within 60 (100 for TT) MeV/c 2 of m K s, and a combined P t >200 MeV/c.
Jeroen van Hunen July 11, 2003Physics at LHC, Prague 10 B d J/ ( + - )K s selection J/ and K s make a vertex with 2 < 50 IP significance of K s with respect to J/ vtx < 3.5 (< 8 for TT) IP significance of Ks pions with respect to the primary vtx > 4 (2 for TT) significance of the distance between primary and J/ vtx > 1.2(LL), 3.1(LV), 2.4(TT) B d mass window 60 MeV/c 2 B d : combining J/ and K s
Jeroen van Hunen July 11, 2003Physics at LHC, Prague 11 B d J/ K s selection Results for the B d 0 mass : LL TT =9 MeV J/ ( + - ) K s (LL) =12 MeV J/ ( + - ) K s (TT) J/ (e + e - ) K s (LL) =14 MeV LL
Jeroen van Hunen July 11, 2003Physics at LHC, Prague 12 Annual yield and Background estimate for B s J/ and B d J/ K s Channel Annual yieldB/S B s J/ ( + - ) 100k <0.3 (bb-incl) <0.7 (prompt J/ ) B s J/ ( + - ) K s 166k 0.6 0.1 (bb-incl) <0.4 (prompt J/ ) B s J/ (e + e - ) K s 21k <0.84 (prompt J/ ) 3.4 0.5 (bb-incl)
Jeroen van Hunen July 11, 2003Physics at LHC, Prague 13 Sensitivity studies for B s J/ and B d J/ K s
Jeroen van Hunen July 11, 2003Physics at LHC, Prague 14 2 s 0.03 in SM : A(t) two exponentials with lifetimes 1/ H and 1/ L Extracting s from B s J/ B s J/ B s J/ A = odd & A 0,|| = even
Jeroen van Hunen July 11, 2003Physics at LHC, Prague 15 Extracting s from B s J/ Extreme CP-Parameters: s =15 0 s / s = 0.5 untagged B s tagged B s tagged (ps)
Jeroen van Hunen July 11, 2003Physics at LHC, Prague 16 Angular analysis to determine the sensitivity for: R(A fraction), s, s and s (for ms and wrong tag fraction: fit D s simultaneously) One year of LHCb data s (Deg) R-R- s (ps) s / s - m s (ps -1 ) used sensitivity R = |A | 2 /(|A 0 | 2 +|A || | 2 +|A | 2 ) = 35% & = 40% Sensitivity for s from B s J/
Jeroen van Hunen July 11, 2003Physics at LHC, Prague 17 Sensitivity for from B s J/ K s one year LHCb data | used sensitivity = 35% = 35% Proper time
Jeroen van Hunen July 11, 2003Physics at LHC, Prague 18 Conclusions Sensitivity for and s One Year of LHCb Data ss Reconstruction of B s J/ and B d J/ K s decays : Good mass (9-15 MeV/c 2 ) & vertex ( m) resolution Excellent proper time resolution (38 fs) allows to follow the oscillations of the decay rates accurately. High annual yields with low background rates Precise determination of CKM angles and s