Sci Vis I Exam Review Most Missed Review Questions
Unit 103 Section 01 BITS & BYTES Bit – smallest unit of computer memory Byte – standard unit of measurement 1 Byte = 8 bits
Unit 103 Section 01 BITS & BYTES 1000 Bytes = 1 Kilobyte (KB) 1000 KB = 1 Megabyte (MB) 1000 MB = 1 Gigabyte (GB) 1000 GB = 1 Terabyte (TB)
Unit 103 Section 01 RESOLUTION Measurements of Resolution Screen Resolution – PPI (pixels per inch) Printer Resolution – DPI (dots per inch) Video Display Resolution = # of pixels 640 X 480 = low resolution 800 x 600 = medium resolution 1600 x 1200 = high resolution
When light hits an object – say, a banana – the object absorbs some of the light (wavelengths) and reflects the rest of it. Colors reflect their analogous (next to) colors. Yellow is a combination of it’s analogous colors, Red & Green. So, we say it reflects Red & Green. Colors absorb (or subtract) their complimentary (across from) colors. Yellow is across from Blue. So, we say it absorbs Blue. Unit 104 Section 02 COLOR FROM PIGMENT
Unit 104 Section 03 VECTOR VS. BITMAP RESOLUTION Multiply the number of pixels across by the number of pixels up and down to find the total number of pixels on your screen. Image resolution is measured in dots per inch (dpi) for printing and pixels per inch (ppi) for monitor displays. The pixels per inch of a screen image translate directly into dots per inch on a printer.
Unit 104 Section 03 VECTOR VS. BITMAP BEST RESOLUTIONS Monitor images are approximately ppi. (SIDE NOTE from Ms. Mack: This is old information. Resolutions are much higher today (2015).) An image that is to be printed should be scanned at a minimum of 300 dpi.
Unit 104 Section 03 VECTOR VS. BITMAP COLOR DEPTH Color depth refers to the number of “colors” available and/or the amount of computer memory that will be required to store pixel values of an image. A bit (binary digit) is the smallest unit of information used in a computer. The higher the bit number, the more colors you have available but the more computer memory required to store the image.
Unit 105 Section 02 ORGANIZING DATA Nominal Group Technique organizes the results of brainstorming by having the group members rank each of the results. Venn Diagram’s use 3 circles, each with it’s own set of data. Where the circles merge is where the data sets have similarities.
Unit 105 Section 03 INTERPRETING DATA Regression Line is drawn through a graph of two variables as close to the points as possible. The line shows the data trend.
Unit 105 Section 02 INTERPRETING DATA Ordinal Data is categorized into a logical order like 1 st 2 nd 3 rd or Mon Tue Wed or Jan Feb Mar. Nominal Data is categorized where the order of the categories is arbitrary like race/ethnicity values: White, Hispanic, American Indian, Black, Other.
Unit 105 Section 02 INTERPRETING DATA Mean: Average. Add all the given numbers together & divide by the total count. Median: Middle. All the numbers are placed in order and the middle one is the median. Mode: Most Common. The one that occurs the greatest number of times.
Unit 105 Section 02 INTERPRETING DATA Mean: Average. Add all the given numbers together & divide by the total count. Median: Middle. All the numbers are placed in order and the middle one is the median. Mode: Most Common. The one that occurs the greatest number of times.