Learning Goals-Success Criteria - Learn what parables are -Understand why Jesus used parables -Analyze the parables acted out in class -Write a modern day parable
The use of parables is one of the most significant characteristics of Jesus’ teaching style He had a way of connecting God to the everyday experiences of his listeners so that his teachings could be easily understood and remembered Almost all of his parables share one of the following 3 messages; love as I love, forgive as I forgive or Pray as I pray
The basic story elements in Jesus’ parables came from the everyday cultural reality of his listeners ▪ Farming ▪ Shepherding ▪ Children playing ▪ Adults working in their trade This way even the most ordinary person could become a witness to Jesus’ message It is helpful for us to draw parallels between our own experiences and those of the people Jesus was addressing to fully understand them
Jesus’ parables often used metaphors to explain his complex ideas Objects and roles that were familiar to the listeners (e.g., seeds, sheep, fish, water etc.) would become symbols for other ideas (God, God’s people, heaven etc.)
In developing a parable, Jesus would often take a common occurrence of the day and add a surprising twist to it at the end These twists would keep his listeners alert and catch them off-guard to leave a lasting impression The idea was to make people think critically about his lessons and the application to daily life
In groups act out the parable given to you and decide what Jesus’ message was
Choose 2 parables that were acted out and complete the following… Name of the Parable Characters/Objects and what they represent What Jesus was trying to teach? How can we or society connect to this parable?
Partner A: Matthew 10:10-14 (Lost Sheep) Partner B: Luke 20: 9-19 (Wicked Tenants) Partner C: Mark 13: (Watchfulness) Read the parables and answer the following questions in your small groups. In your own words tell your partner with your partner what happened in the story. Who does the Shepherd/Land owner/Master in the story represent? Explain the message that Jesus was trying to teach his followers. Which of the common elements of parables is Jesus using in this story? (Based on the Everyday, Metaphors, a surprise ending?)
Success criteria: Decide on a moral lesson you would like to teach Your audience is your peers Your characters don’t have to be actual people. You can use nature, animals or objects to tell the story Use 400 words When a reader reads your story it should make your reader inspired or challenged to think a different way (Inspiration is the key to a great parable)
Choose 2 parables from pg in the bible and complete the following… Name of the Parable Characters/Objects and what they represent What Jesus was trying to teach? How can we or society connect to this parable?